Unit Core Competency Self-Assessment Life Science 11

  1. Artifact I am most proud of the worm dissection lab
  2. Explanation; Share the experience of collaboration for your artifact (Consider roles and responsibilities, strategies used to navigate project goals and any misunderstandings, how you shared ideas with one another, and what you would improve on for next time).
  3. For this lab we dissected an earthworm and it was very interesting for me and my lab partner. My lab partner and I had equally fair roles. One of my roles was to put the pins into the worm to open it up and my lab partner was cutting it open. We helped our peers when they were stuck on something and they helped us when we were stuck on something. When we didn’t understand something we went and advocated for ourselves. When my lab partner and I had different ideas we were able to compromise. Something I would improve for next time would to ask more questions so I understood more.


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