Favorite Recipe

Fettuccine Alfredo

Making and Sharing Reflection

When making fettuccine alfredo you need the following equipment, large pot + small pot, dry measures + small measures, colander, whisk, zester, paring knife, wooden spoon, clustered cup, liquid measure and a rubber spatula. When making this recipe there are two safety concerns, the stove and the zester. You could burn yourself on the stove and you could cut yourself with the zester. For this recipe you are using your knife skills when cutting the garlic because you have to cut it very small.

When making the fettuccine alfredo I thought it was very successful. Me and my group communicated well. We all had a job in order to make this lab successful. One person was in charge of cooking the noodles, another person was in charge of cutting/ grating ingredients, and lastly there was two people doing there own sauce.

Core Competency Reflection

While working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend understanding by…talking to my group before we cook to make sure everyone is on the same page and knows what to do. This also helps me to clear up any confusion I had.

I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see… people talking about whos jobs are whos to make sure the lab can be successful. And our group works together by helping each other out once one person is finished there job.

As an active listener, I notice that … when I say words out loud it helps me remember them more. So that also connects back to me wanting to raise my hand up more in class discussions. I think it could help my learning. To achieve this goal I will learn to not be scared to raise my hand up even if I think the answer could be wrong.

Arts and Crafts 9 Core Competency

Core Competency “I can” statement Artifact Reflection 
Personal and Social:     ” I can solve problems myself and ask for help when needed. “   When making my book, I bumped into a few road blocks. But before I asked the teacher for help I would try to fix it on my own. Sometimes its hard for me to ask teachers for help when I need it, but this project I think I asked for help when I need it. Sometimes I just couldn’t figure it out, but some times I was able to fix my problem and move on. I’m proud of my book binding though, because I really did bump into a few road blocks and sometimes I could move past it or fix it or I had to ask for some help.

Frankenstein Films Power Point Assignment: Self Assessment

Curricular Response

This is my figurative image for Elizebeth in the 1931 film. While I was figuring out what I could put for a figurative image for her, I thought about this one because I feel like Elizebeth was just there and didn’t do much. I felt like people would walk past her and not even care. I thought Frankenstein didn’t really care about her, I personally thought she deserved way more.

Core Competency Self Assessment

How did you select images and words to create meaning? was this easy for you? why or why not? The reason I selected the figurative image of Elizebeth was because I thought that one was really true to the story and how her role was played. The hardest part of this assignment might have been the writing part of it, because I had to write about the image and why I chose it. Otherwise I think this assignment was pretty easy.

Reflecting On My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

My first year of high school has been amazing. When I was in grade 8, I was so nervous for grade 9. I thought that high school would be so scary. I also thought that I would get lost in the school because it is so big. I’m looking back to middle school and the work we did, and it is nothing compared to high school work. It was a major change for me, but in a good way. Its good for me to go through major changes in my life because I cant have everything planned perfectly every time. I’m mostly proud of my self for making a whole bunch of new friends this year. I thought it would be very hard to make new friends, but really its not that hard! I’m also proud of how much I pushed myself this year. I have done a lot of things I thought I could never do.

My Favorite Website

Free Design Tool: Presentations, Video, Social Media | Canva

Canva is my favorite website to use because its super fun making posters for school projects, or even just making digital notes. I also like that it has so many options you can choose from. When I use this app it makes me get more creative! It also helps me to under stand more of the digital world.

My favorite video

This is my ADL English movie. I chose this video because I think the video really shows my learning in all sorts of ways. After making this video I was able to understand way more about power point and some other apps as well. So now I have a better understanding of how to use power point even more.

My favorite image

I love this photo because it shows these girls doing track, which I love running track. I’ve always loved running so I decided to join the high school track team. I’ve made so many new friends from doing something I love. Track has really pushed me in a good way.

My Favorite quote

“You Can Do It If You Believe You Can”

I choose this quote because I like to tell myself this when I’m feeling not as confident or self doubting my self. Once I tell myself this quote, I feel somewhat better. This is a good motivation for myself.

Work Cited

legion. “2019 National Youth Track and Field Championships.” Royal Canadian Legion New Brunswick Command, https://nb.legion.ca/2019/08/15/2019-national-youth-track-and-field-championships/. Accessed 1 June 2023.

Napoleon Hill Quote: “You Can Do It If You Believe You Can.” https://quotefancy.com/quote/871168/Napoleon-Hill-You-can-do-it-if-you-believe-you-can. Accessed 1 June 2023.

Touching Spirit Bear The Movie: Mrs. Matthew’s Story

By: Avery

Our Movie

Plot, Character, Setting and Mood

· Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like.

We figured out that Cole has blonde hair, And we assumed that the mom had brown hair and the dad had blonde/ brown hair but we felt like he would be a bit older so his hair turned grey. We also added glasses to Cindy because maybe she liked wearing them so she could hide her eyes from the dad who she was afraid of.

· How did you choose the plot points?

We went back to the book and scanned through the book to see when the mom was mentioned in the book. Then we sectioned each part and put it into the plot points it belongs in.

· Explain how you figured out the setting in your story. Why is the setting significant to the story?

The way we found the main setting in the story for Mrs. Matthews is that we scanned through the book to find the parts where Mrs. Matthews was in. The setting is very important because she was included in the circle of justice meeting with a whole bunch of people. It showed how scared she really was of Mr. Matthews.

· Explain what the word mood means and how/why you picked the song that you picked?

The word “mood” means the book could be a certain mood, for example this book “Touching Spirt Bear” the mood of this book is Mysterious because the spirt bear is a big mystery and we don’t know what is going on with Cole’s parents at the moment. The reason we picked this song is because we thought it was a good calm background song. we didn’t want anything scary or exciting because that didn’t match the mood.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is… When I ask my peers what they would write for… and I would use some of there ideas to expand our big idea to make our writing even better with all our thoughts put together.

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is… Every assignment I do I put in my best effort. I always contribute in every group project. I make sure to read the rubric before starting to get a good understanding of what’s expected for us to do.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by… Asking my peers questions I have to build my understanding of a certain topic. If they don’t know the answer to my question I ask the teacher. This helps me be more confident with my work.

Learning the Scientific Method: Self Assessment

By: Avery

This is my tower, made from 10 pieces of news paper and 50cm of tape with a golf ball on the top. Our tower was 4’6

Curricular Response

I learned so much more by using the scientific method on the golf tower and the egg drop. I think by visually learning, it made me understand the Scientific method even more. For the News paper tower we had to start off small then make it taller and taller but as it got taller it got less stronger. For the egg drop I had to make a creation that would have a soft landing and cushion for the egg while it falls the 18 feet. Using the scientific method on these two projects showed me how to write a hypothesis, how to find what the independent variable is and dependent variable, how to find the controlled variable and to write about your conclusion and say if your hypothesis is supported or not supported.

Core Company Self Assessment And Creative Thinking

Its Important to celebrate our accomplishments. Which Scientific Method lab are you most proud? I’m most proud of the news paper tower because we got to see everyone’s towers get higher and higher. It was a motivation for us to get our higher then others towers. we got 4’6 and I’m super proud of that.

What strategies did you use to overcome those challenges? We noticed that we used up all our paper but we were able to switch out the rolls of paper on the bottom (base) of our tower and put 3 strips of paper so instead we can take those 3 rolls of paper and put them on out tower to add Hight.

Describe your experience with understanding of the scientific method by doing the 2 labs. My experience was very good while doing the two labs, I was able to understand how to make a hypothesis, how to find the independent variable and dependent variable, and controlled variable. At the very end we also add our conclusion, and write if our hypothesis is supported or not.

Tell me how you did the following:

A) I demonstrated that I can create new things when I… showed that I can make different creations like how I Made my tower all out of 10 pieces of news paper and 50cm of tape, all in under and hour. My egg drop creation I used 1 piece of news paper, 3 straws, small square of newspaper and some tape.

B) I demonstrated that I can build on the ideas of others when I… Observe and see what every one else is doing and maybe get ideas from my peers. During the making of our towers I was observing and looking at others designs and I noticed that everyone was making there design very thin and not as strong. So me and my group we tried to make our tower a bit more taller by making the legs of our tower more closer in to add Hight to out tower, But it made out tower very weak.

C) When trying new things, I expect setbacks and failure and use them to develop my ideas. An example of this from the scientific method labs would be… In the egg drop I saw all the winners creations were all cone shaped with straws on the outside. So if we ever get the chance to do egg drop again I would do a cone shaped creation for my egg.

French 9 Edublog Refection

Oral French Script Presentation

The process of making me and my partners script was challenging in a good way . We had to translate the whole script and remember that we would have to change some of the words, if there a vowel or if its a femmine or masculine word and much more. I have been practicing our script a lot and I’m confident in it. We both worked together very well. This project reminded me of everything we have learned and I would have to use those skills I have learned and put it in the script. I think a struggle/ challenge I have for this project is the speaking part of it, I’m working on saying the word correctly.

I’m clear on the difference between ” simple group work ” and collaboration as evidence by…

For this project me and my partner worked very well together, we both put lots of effort and time into our script and we have been studying our script for when we present in front of the class..

Scale Factor Project Reflection

Finance Project Edublog Post

Core Competency Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include: reading all of the directions carefully before beginning the assignment, and also along the way; reviewing my work to make sure I am on track.

When I am sad, angry or frustrated, making a plan or list helps me be more calm and productive. I find that I do best in situations where I feel organized and clear on what to do and what all the expectations are.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by asking questions that are clear and make sense to me, and then actively listen to their responses. By focusing on active listening, it helps make things clear.

One goal I have for myself going forward is to continue to ask questions when I am unclear and make sure that I understand the answers. This applies to school as well as in life.