My Digital Footprint

My digital footprint was not surprising to me and I don’t think in the future It would have a big impact on anything. The only things that show up when I am searched for are my grandmother’s and grandfather’s obituary and possibly a photo of me playing soccer. I also have very few social media accounts and I don’t post anything unless it is for school.   

I think in some cases it’s good that I don’t have much online, but it is also a bad thing because it shows that I am not very connected which could be bad if in the future I look for a job that is heavily involved with communication online. But I don’t think that my digital footprint would impact me that much because that is not the kind of job, I am interested in.  

Three things you can do to ensure your digital footprint’s safety would be to make sure you have set the privacy settings you want and not have them set automatically. The second way would be to make sure that all your software is up to date and make sure you have a reliable antivirus downloaded.  The third possible way would be to go through your device and see what you are not using and if you are not using it. Then it is better to delete it to make sure certain software can’t access your device anymore when you don’t need them to.