Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking: Was Canada’s Great Depression Response Justifiable? Why or why not?

There were various approaches to solving the great depression, however, citizens were not fully satisfied with one. PM Bennett of the Conservative party ruled in the middle of the depression. He believed the government should be more involved in Canadian lives which may have been why he sent money to the needy. Bennett founded the New Deal which consisted of 8hr work days, minimum wage and price controls. Nevertheless, citizens did not trust he could help them, ensuing in his oust. PM Mackenzie of the Liberal party was the PM at the beginning and the end of the Depression. His notions were: the government should be less incorporated with voters’ lives and thought the depression to leave by itself. Ultimately, Canadians understood it was either Mackenzie or disarray and they eventually choose King. When considering all the above, I feel Bennett’s response was more justifiable than Mackenzie’s because he seemed to have ideas and plans to get Canada back on track. Mackenzie did not seem to have a clear plan of action. Additionally, Bennett sent money to those in need too but he did start the ineffective Relief Camps. At least he tried.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

I believe I can do this because I analyzed the two Prime Ministers and their responses to the Great Depression which allowed me to come to a conclusion.


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