Math 10 FPC Self Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking:

I feel I progressed efficiently in Math 10 this semester. I could improve on being more careful when solving problems. However, I am proud of my performance.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility:

My goal for this course was to get 90% or above, and I reached it. Diligence and consistent practice aided in my efforts to accomplish this. A tactic I implemented was completing all homework in class, so if I got confused, I sought help immediately.

One thing I improved on was my algebra. I learned coherent ways to find x and y values. I can use this strength to further my algebraic understanding in future calculus courses.

My Math 10 FPC experience was enjoyable as Mr. Sun is a great teacher who simplifies complicated concepts into simple solutions. He always answered questions anybody asked and offered extra support during flex and lunchtime.


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