Reflecting on My First Year

My grade nine year

This year I really enjoyed participating in P.E. I had lots of fun playing sports, such as basketball, track, volleyball, and soccer.

This year I reached my goal of improving my skills on the basketball court. I have been working to improve almost everyday and am now playing for Tri-city.

This year I realized I learn best when I am on my own, or when the room isn’t too noisy.

When I am having difficulty with something I usually try to figure it out on my own. If that isn’t successful, I ask the teacher or my friends for help.

My Favourite Website

My favourite website is It allows you to easily generate various citation formats. It also saves me heaps of time when writing research projects, and gives helpful writing tips.

My Favourite Video

My favorite video i watched this year was the jurassic park movie. After watching it, we were to write about it and identify different writing tools and strategies used. Writing allows me to express my thoughts and feelings in a creative and meaningful way. This assignment helped me gain a deeper understanding of various writing tools. 

My Favourite Image

The bagels i made in cooking class were extremely fun to make. I got to see the dough transform into golden brown, delicious treats. They were tasty because the dough was chewy, and the cinnamon and sugar topping added a nice layer of flavour. Overall, making and eating the bagels was a fun and tasty experience.

My Favourite Quote

“Even the genius asks his questions” Tupac Shakur said on “Me Against The World.” This basically means, don’t be afraid to ask questions in order to find your way, no matter what other people say or think.

Works Cited

“Jurassic Park | Original Trailer | Netflix.” YouTube, 1 Aug. 2020, 

Tardio, Andres. “2Pac Taught US: 20 Lessons for ‘me against the World’S’ 20th Anniversary.” MTV,,Do%20your%20best. Accessed 17 May 2023. 

Staff, EasyBib. EasyBib, 1 Jan. 2023, 

Hunger games mutation project

My creation

Core competency reflection

I can contribute during group activities, cooperate with others, and listen respectfully to their ideas. I made sure to do my part, while encouraging my peers to contribute.

I can use my imagination to get new ideas of my own, or build on others ideas, or combine other peoples ideas in new ways

I can ask questions, make predictions, and use my senses to gather information

I can be a thoughtful a supportive friend

I demonstrated collaboration by contributing greatly to the assignment, while still incorporating and being respectful of my peers ideas.

I demonstrated communication by listening and responding to others. I made sure to respect their opinions and communicate my ideas as well.

I demonstrated creative thinking by generating new ideas and thinking outside of the box.

I demonstrated critical thinking by asking questions and considering more than one way to proceed.

Advertisement Persuasion project

My advertisement

Persuasion and advertisement techniques

Persuasion and advertisement unit reflection

1) I think it is important to remember who benefits from an advertisement because they are the ones making the money. You should be aware of who your money is going to.

2) An effective form of persuasion is emotional. Emotional appeals help to reach the audience on a different, psychological level. They’ll elicit a “feeling” from a potential buyer. Due to the fact that many purchasing decisions are actually influenced by feelings and emotions, it might be beneficial to engage audiences like this.

3) An effective advertising technique is eye appeal. This encourages a particular emotion in your viewers. For instance, my partner and I used warm colours and a scorching fire in our advertisement. This is so that our viewers can feel warm and cozy.

Core competency reflection

1)One of the ways I ensured my group was clear on what we were doing was to communicate any concerns or confusion we had with each other. We would then ask the teacher if we still had trouble figuring it out on our own.

2)I showed others that I truly value their contributions by listening to their opinions and incorporating their ideas into the project.

3)Some things I thought about when dividing tasks among my group members were dividing it equally. We both did our part and contributed to the project.

Learning the Scientific Method: Self Assessment

For this assignment we had to create a tower made up of 10 pieces of newspaper and 50 cm of tape. The goal was to create the tallest tower, that could hold a golf ball at the top.

For this assignment we had to create a container that would protect a raw egg from a 18 meter drop. Each group was provided with an egg, one piece of newspaper, one foot of tape, and one square of cardboard. We could also select 2 of the following materials: one sheet of paper, 1 more foot of tape, 3 straws, and 4 popsicle sticks. My partner and I chose the straws and popsicle sticks.

Curricular response

Through engaging in practical activities (such as the egg drop experiment and golf ball tower challenge), I was able to expand my knowledge and better comprehend the scientific method. I had very little to no experience of the scientific method prior to conducting these tests. I was aware of formulating a hypothesis and testing it, but I was not entirely knowledgeable about the five steps (recognizing a problem, creating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, perform the experiment, and make a conclusion). Im now completely aware.

Core competency self assessment and creative thinking

I am most proud of the golf ball tower challenge. My partner and I ended up very successful with this lab. Our structure had a nice, sturdy base, and it ended up being 5’7. A challenge we faced was having a weak and flimsy structure. We fixed this by added an extra piece of support made up of rolled up paper, and adding tape to the weak spots. I had no problem understanding the scientific method while doing these labs. Participating in a hands on activity (egg drop experiment and golf ball tower challenge) broadened my knowledge and helped me to fully understand. I demonstrated that I can create new things by participating in two experiments that I have never done before. I demonstrated that I can build on the ideas of others by working with and listening to my partner, while also incorporating both of our ideas. When trying new things, I expect setbacks and failure. and use them to develop my ideas. An example of this from the scientific method labs would be redoing our egg drop container. After creating a container, my partner and I realized that it would not be strong enough, or have enough cushioning to withstand an 18 meter drop. We then attempted to make a stronger container.

Textiles Arts and Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Textiles-Creative Thinking


I demonstrated my creative thinking skills during this cross stitching project by forming and developing my own ideas, while also building upon others’. I was originally going to remake someone else’s design of a green dinosaur, but I wanted to make it my own. I changed up all the colours and proportions, while also adding a hat and some Christmas lights (this was during Christmas time). Throughout this assignment, I gained critical and creative thinking skills, and learned how to cross stitch for the first time. Next time I would make my black border thicker, as its almost striped in this project. I think it would make for a cleaner, more finished look.

Scale Factor Project Reflection

finance project edublog post

core competency reflection

I show others the I truly value their contributions by listening to what they have to say, and respecting their opinions. I make an effort to include missing voices/ perspectives by asking them about their opinions/what they think we should do. By helping my peers when they get stuck, I make a positive difference.

One of my goals is to communicate better with my peers while working on group projects. (asking questions, talking more, etc.) I will try to be weary of this when working with someone.

Core Competencies-yearbook

Personal and social-positive personal and cultural identity  

“I can identify my individual characteristics and explain what interests me” 

I chose to base my idea on my passion for art. By participating in this assignment, I was able to think about the various reasons why photography is the right job for me, and how my personal values align with this form of art. I have never been super into photography, but I have always loved art. Portraits, drawing, music etc. I have drawn from an early age, and I find photography similar. When participating in both activities, you focus on angles, color theory, posing, etc. 


‘’In familiar situations, I can participate with others’’ 

One of my assignments in this class was to write a feature story for the athletics section in the yearbook. I chose to interview Sameera Parmar, an athlete on the senior girls’ basketball team. I easily collaborated with her before, during and after the interview. First, we scheduled the interview at a time that worked for both of us. During the interview I was clear on what I was asking and made sure to thank her after. All of this was done within three days. By engaging in this assignment, I was able to reconnect with the assorted reasons why communication is extremely important for me.  

Thinking-critical and reflective thinking 

‘’I can use evidence to make simple judgments” 

One of my assignments in this class was to design the grade 9 portraits page, the staff portraits page, and the winter formal page. Some problems I came across were portraits shifting from their original spots, people/names missing from the pages, not enough spots being available, or even just a page not being designed well. I noticed these problems and made sure to fix them. 

Core competency self-assessment

Critical and reflective thinking

I think that the French Revolution was a justifiable revolution that granted the French people their independence and a new, much-needed system of government. Additionally, it supported those who were fighting for equal rights so that the French people may live freely. With its estate system, Frances socioeconomic structure was marked unequal before the French Revolution.

I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them: Yes, I can.

ADL-Collaboration and solutions for financial literacy

Data and solutions









90,509.287+30,000= $120,509.287

Excel graph


I went with a relatively low-risk option (3-year 4.2 non-redeemable GIC and savings account). This is one of the less profitable but safest solutions, in my opinion. A bonus is that you are guaranteed to reach your objective of $120,000; nevertheless, the desired amount will only be barely reached. Due to my low risk tolerance, I believe this to be a very good alternative for me. Because stocks can go up or down and are essentially unpredictable, I am not a fan.

Collaborations and contributions

Our group did a decent job while working together. Everyone was quiet at first, but we then divided into two groups and felt comfortable working together. My partner and I both provided a respectable quantity of calculations and ideas. Nevertheless, we didn’t come up with any other methods to achieve our goal. I rate our collaboration a 2.5 out of 4.

Core competency reflections

1) I show others that I truly value their contributions by actively listening and respecting their ideas

2) In discussions and conversations I help to build and extend understanding by asking questions and paying attention to others ideas

3) If the group is not productive we can talk about what we are confused about/how we can be more efficient to get things moving in the right direction

4) I can recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully

Core competency self-assessment

Creative thinking

When I noticed the design I selected lacked a tutorial, I applied creative thinking. An art project is generally not designed to be manufactured or drawn by others when there isn’t a tutorial for it. We do this out of respect for the original artist. I can employ new thoughts. I can also expand on other people’s ideas. When I noticed there wasn’t a tutorial, I made it my own. I used multiple skull designs and incorporated all of them in my artwork to give it more of an original look.