Textiles Arts and Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Textiles-Creative Thinking


I demonstrated my creative thinking skills during this cross stitching project by forming and developing my own ideas, while also building upon others’. I was originally going to remake someone else’s design of a green dinosaur, but I wanted to make it my own. I changed up all the colours and proportions, while also adding a hat and some Christmas lights (this was during Christmas time). Throughout this assignment, I gained critical and creative thinking skills, and learned how to cross stitch for the first time. Next time I would make my black border thicker, as its almost striped in this project. I think it would make for a cleaner, more finished look.

Core competency self-assessment

Creative thinking

When I noticed the design I selected lacked a tutorial, I applied creative thinking. An art project is generally not designed to be manufactured or drawn by others when there isn’t a tutorial for it. We do this out of respect for the original artist. I can employ new thoughts. I can also expand on other people’s ideas. When I noticed there wasn’t a tutorial, I made it my own. I used multiple skull designs and incorporated all of them in my artwork to give it more of an original look.