Positive Learner Identity

Understand and Using Visual Diagrams

Provide a SPECIFIC example of when you used that strength to help you successfully complete an assignment or task.  What class was it in?  What was the assignment/task?  HOW did this learning strength help you be successful? 

During our graphing unit in Math, the visuals such as bar graphs, histograms, and pie charts helped me understand the relationships between 2 or more variables. An example of this was when we had to ask various people on the modes of transportations they take to go to school. Our objective was to tally the different answers and graph them using excel. The bar graph showed how many people walked, biked, bussed, or got a ride. This strength helped me be successful because I can confidently and consistently use visual diagrams to help me understand information provided. I can also use this skill in the future to help me interpret things I may not understand just by reading.

Core Competency Reflection

I can identify ways in which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth. 

Like my strengths can help me meet challenges by meeting new tactics and being more confident in overcoming things that are difficult. I’ll keep practicing and challenging until I get the hang of it.


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