My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

My Grade 9 year has been a year of ups and downs. With my anxiety, it has made many of my classes challenging. I struggle to make decisions about my work which sometimes makes it difficult to even start to do the work. I noticed this particularly in English and Social Studies but a bit in Power Tech as well. Science and Math come fairly easily to me so I can get through them with generally no problems. I enjoy art but it can be a bit stressful doing it for grades. I am lucky in that I have supportive parents and some particularly supportive teachers, such as Mr. Pope, who work with me when I freeze due to my anxiety. I have enjoyed Physical Education in the past so I was really disappointed that PE in high school was so stressful and not fun. I am most proud of joining the Track & Field team this semester and I’m looking forward to having a great season.

A Useful Educational Website


this website sites things and you makes it look a lot better then you ever could. also makes sure when you accidently close a tab if you sited it there you don’t have to worry.

A Useful Educational Video

i chose this because it got me through the French revolution unit

A Useful Educational Image

complicated stuff explained in a photo

An Inspirational Quote

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein

because it is true

Works Cited

ZoteroBib: Fast, Free Bibliography Generator – MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard Citations. Accessed 7 Mar. 2024.

– YouTube. Accessed 30 Mar. 2024.

– YouTube. Accessed 30 Mar. 2024.

ADL Social Studies- Ethical Judgement


Reflection Question- Is violence justified during a protest?

A) how did the use of AI assist you in developing this project

I gave up on the AI in the end

B) how did you ensure that the work you created was still you own, rather then just a product of AI

understand the material and put it into your own words of your understanding.

c) Did you agree with the position you had to argue? Why or why not?

really it depends on the situation but for the most part yes.

Competency Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include: looking up newspaper and magazine articles relevant to the task; looking up studies in journals that are relevant to the task; and looking at sources cited by the materials I already have. For all of these I evaluate the source itself to make sure it is a reliable source on the topic.

I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration as evidenced by how my partner and I constructed our project. We worked for several hours, looking up and gathering information together and decided in a way that was fair to both of us who was going to take which part as neither one of us felt strongly either way at the start. We then worked on our own constructing our arguments from the work we had done together. Finally, we came back together to complete our project. At this point we were able to help one another with our arguments and put them together in a way that made sense both from the our own perspectives and as a conversation or disagreement on a topic.

Inkheart: The Movie

Plot, Character, Setting and Mood

· Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like.

There was a description in the book along with mentions of her appearance. For example, we find out that she is twelve years old on page 6.

· How did you choose the plot points?

I chose points that I thought would make it less confusing if you were to sum up the book. I was looking for a story that would make sense to someone who had not read the book.

· Explain how you figured out the setting in your story. What information led you to choose the pictures you picked for your plot points?

in the book it constantly mentions where they are so it was much easier to tell where they are at that point in the story. depending on what they were they were doing I would put a picture that reflected that.

· Explain what the word mood means and how/why you picked the song that you picked?

The word mood means how you feel at that time. I chose the song because you never know what is going to happen next, and there is the suspense of not knowing what will happen next.

Core Competency Reflection

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a break and I make sure to grab a snack and drink some water before I continue so that I make sure that I am fueled up and well hydrated. I will often feel down or low on energy if I am either hungry or thirsty and I will usually be too busy to notice that I am feeling either one.

This is how I select images and words to create impact for different audiences: I chose a combination of pictures from the book and pictures of my own creation to help the narrative along in my presentation. I am most proud of using a sunny-side up egg to show how happy I was about reading this book when we got to the conclusion and the cage I made myself in PowerPoint for the “Captured again” plot point. I created a clear and understandable narrative that I believe is entertaining enough to read and factual enough to complete the assignment and make sure that all of the book’s ideas are displayed.

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are the ability to not just summarize the main points of a story but to make it all make sense with the other plot points without having to have the reader have to read the book. I was able to answer all the questions and hit all the major plot points and have it make sense.