My Artifact:

In this Persuasive Presentation Project I learned to better “select and use appropriate features, forms, and genres according to audience, purpose, and message.” While I could have done a better job in using credible evidence, I felt that my use of power point with a recorded oral presentation was quite effective for getting my information to my classmates and you, my teacher. My slides have a minimal amount of writing on them so that the focus is on my words with the visuals as a support to my presentation and not being the entire presentation.

Core Competencies Reflection

As I said in my curricular competency, I feel that I really grew in considering my audience to get my ideas across. Doing an oral presentation with a Slides presentation as a way of making it better as opposed to just reading off of the slides made the presentation so much more effective. I was very good at communicating the ideas that I had but next time I need to more carefully consider having sourced evidence to present so that my argument holds more weight.