French 9 Edublog

In French 9, I improved my understanding of sentence structure and grammar. However, I still find speaking in French very challenging.

I am proud of my Family Tree (Arbre de Famille) project. Although it might have been lacking creativity, I am glad I managed to finish it despite it being the bottom of my priorities. I really had to push myself to even start the project, which I started a day before I was due to present.

What went well?

In the end, I got the project done and out of the way.

What might I have done differently?

Many, many things. For one, I could have started it the day it was assigned instead of leaving it in the back of my mind to rot until the day before I was presenting. The Thinking core competency could be better utilized in this situation by limiting procrastination and the endless distractions. The Communication competency could be utilized in this situation by asking for help on the project (mostly the creative aspects). Despite spending time to complete this reflection (if only because my mother would never let me hear the end of it if I failed to complete this Edublog), none of the improvements I mentioned will be applied in the near (and far) future. The kind of person I am just prevents me from telling my procrastination monkey to shut up. Instead, this “monkey” grabs me by the neck and makes me surf the Internet until a day before the due date, when the deadline monster scares him away. After that, the deadline monster forces me to complete the project (meant to be done in 2 weeks) in 24 hours. So far, I have managed to hang on, but I know this procrastinating primate will not serve me well in the future.


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