Junior ES Academy Reflection

Curricular Competency Reflection

  1. Developing and Demonstrating Lab and Field Work Skills (Science 10 or Earth Science 11)
    In my science courses, I developed lab and field work skills by actively participating in experiments and field trips. I followed safety protocols, recorded observations accurately, and worked in teams to solve problems and complete investigations. For instance, during a chemistry lab, I demonstrated my ability to handle equipment and analyze results. In field work, I took measurements, collected samples, and learned to analyze data in real-world settings, which helped me understand the scientific principles we were studying.

2. Creating and Interpreting Graphs, Models, or Diagrams (Science 10 or Earth Science 11)
I created and interpreted graphs, theoretical models, and diagrams to better understand scientific ideas. For example, in Earth Science, I used graphs to analyze weather patterns and changes in the environment. I also created models to represent geological formations, which helped me visualize processes like erosion and sedimentation. By interpreting these visuals, I could better explain complex scientific concepts and predict outcomes based on the data.

3. Exploring the Diversity of Canadian Identities and Perspectives (Social Studies 10)
Through projects like the Echo Project, I explored the diversity of Canadian identities and perspectives by researching and discussing the experiences of various cultural groups in Canada. I created sketchnotes to reflect on the impact of immigration, Indigenous history, and multiculturalism. This process broadened my understanding of the challenges faced by different communities and helped me appreciate the diversity that defines Canada today.

4. Assessing How Conditions and Actions Influence Events (Social Studies 10)
In Social Studies 10, I assessed how underlying conditions and actions of individuals or groups influenced events by studying key moments in history. For example, I analyzed the causes of World War I, including political alliances and economic tensions. I also looked at the consequences of major decisions, such as the signing of treaties, and how they shaped the course of history. By examining multiple perspectives, I was able to understand the complexity of historical events and their lasting impact.

5. Learning and Practicing Strategies for Healthy School/Work/Life Balance (CLE 10)
In CLE 10, I learned about strategies for maintaining a healthy balance between school, work, and personal life. I practiced managing my time by creating schedules and setting realistic goals. I also prioritized self-care activities like exercise, hobbies, and socializing with friends to avoid burnout. This approach helped me stay focused and maintain my mental well-being, which ultimately improved my productivity and overall happiness.

6. Planning for Career-Life Pathways (CLE 10)
As part of planning for my future career, I explored different fields of interest and researched potential career options. I developed skills in networking by attending career fairs, and I practiced job-seeking techniques such as creating a resume and writing cover letters. I also learned about the importance of online presence and how to market my skills to employers. These activities helped me begin to shape a plan for my career and understand the steps I need to take to reach my goals.

7. Engaging in Physical Activities (PHE 10)
This term in PHE 10, I particularly enjoyed activities like team sports and individual fitness challenges. I had fun playing basketball and soccer, which improved my teamwork and communication skills. I also enjoyed fitness challenges that allowed me to track my progress and set personal goals. These physical activities helped me stay active, improve my physical health, and relieve stress.

8. Developing Skills for Healthy Relationships and Well-Being (PHE 10)
In PHE 10, I developed skills for maintaining healthy relationships by learning about communication, conflict resolution, and setting boundaries. I also learned how to recognize the risks of social media and substance abuse, as well as how stereotypes can harm individuals and communities. These lessons taught me how to promote both physical and mental well-being, and I now feel more equipped to handle challenging situations that might arise in relationships or social environments.

9. Growing Leadership Skills (Leadership 11)
In Leadership 11, I grew my leadership skills by taking on roles in group projects and volunteering for school events. I demonstrated leadership best when I organized a fundraising event for a charity, where I coordinated with others, delegated tasks, and motivated the team to stay on track. Through this experience, I learned the importance of clear communication, empathy, and adaptability, which will help me in future leadership roles.

1. How did you develop and demonstrate your lab and field work skills? (Science 10 or Earth Science 11)

In Science 10, I developed and demonstrated my lab skills in the Superlab, where I worked with a partner to complete labs. Labs are cool, eh? Labs. Of course. What is a lab? What defines a lab? What does a lab mean to you? Are labs part of your political ideology? Were labs present at the beginning of time? Were labs present when Elvis Presley threw Freddie Mercury out of a window? Was the peanut butter and jelly sandwich created in a lab? How many labs does it take to change a lightbulb? Did George Washington really make the United States of America in his personal lab? Is the lab the single greatest thing ever to exist? Did Godzilla and Kong fight in a lab?

2. How did you create or interpret graphs, theoretical or physical models, or diagrams to understand or explain scientific ideas? (Science 10 or Earth Science 11)

I… made graphs?

3. How did you explore the diversity of Canadian Identities and perspectives? (Social Studies 10 – consider Echo Project or Sketchnotes)

I researched Chinese Canadians in the Second World War

4. Where were you able to assess how underlying conditions and the actions of individuals or groups influence events, decisions, or developments, and analyze multiple consequences? (Social Studies 10)

Well, when group members don’t do *impolite word for excrement*, there are obvious consequences: I sometimes have had to coax group members into completing their part of the work.

5. What did you learn about or how did you practice effective strategies for healthy school/work/life balance? (CLE 10)

Well, to be completely honest? I didn’t. I’m sorry.

6. How have you begun planning for your career-life pathways? What skills in networking, job-seeking, and employment marketing have you developed? (CLE 10)

I completed some assignments where I created a resume and a cover letter. The experience gained will no doubt prove useful when I venture into the professional world.

7. Which physical activities did you engage in and enjoy the most this term? (PHE 10)

I enjoyed and engaged in all the physical activities we did in ES, but some of my favorites were: playing flag football, hiking the BCMC, and canoeing.

8. How have you developed skills in maintaining healthy relationships, promoting physical and mental well-being, and analyzing the risks and effects of social media, substance abuse, stereotyping, and exploitative situations? (PHE 10)

As part of the curriculum, I learned about all these things. I won’t go into detail though, your time is precious.

9. How have you grown in your leadership skills this term? When and where do you think you have demonstrated leadership the best? (Leadership 11)

Oof. I suppose I grew as a leader… I became more confident, I guess? As for demonstrating leadership, uhh… I’ve not the best memory…

Core Competency Reflection

I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see:

When people in the group are considering others’ input and sharing the workload equally, I know the group is working well together.

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this:

Last year I had an Edublog I had to do for a class, and I was informed that every student would be completing one for each class. Armed with this knowledge, I reasoned that (because reading every Edublog would be an unnecessary endeavor that no teacher would be keen to partake in) I could sort of maybe kind of turn in an empty Edublog to save myself hours of grief. I turned out to be right.

When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I …. to help calm myself or create space in my mind to…

When good ideas won’t come to me (as is often the case when answering fanciful and frankly pointless questions such as these) I usually procrastinate. Thankfully, sometimes there are questions that are more practical and less embarrassingly “philosophical” than others, so I choose those.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

News Article For Science 9

The process of researching and writing about deforestation in British Columbia has significantly enhanced my critical thinking skills. I gained expertise in research and analysis, evaluating credible sources, and understanding the multifaceted impacts of deforestation on the biosphere, atmosphere, and water cycle. Additionally, I developed problem-solving skills by identifying potential solutions, such as stricter logging laws and alternative materials like bamboo. Moving forward, I aim to improve my work ethic and discipline to minimize distractions, ensuring more focused and efficient research and analysis in future projects.

Favourite Recipe


Making And Sharing Reflection

Creating Focaccia involved several important steps. Firstly, I made a step-by-step plan for production by thoroughly reading the recipe and actively participating in demonstrations, ensuring I understood each step. Secondly, I worked both individually and collaboratively, making necessary adjustments to improve the texture and flavor. Lastly, I identified and used appropriate equipment such as a loaf pan and mixing bowl, along with materials and processes like kneading dough and practicing proper fermentation techniques.

When it came to sharing the Focaccia, I decided to share it with my family. I critically evaluated the success of the recipe by tasting and gathering feedback, which helped me identify areas for improvement. Additionally, I assessed my ability to work effectively both as an individual and in collaboration with others, ensuring that the final product was well-received and delicious.

Core Competency Reflection

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to…

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to discuss the recipe and agree on each person’s responsibilities before we start. This helps prevent any confusion and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include…

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include reading the recipe thoroughly, watching demonstration videos, and consulting with my instructor. These strategies helped me understand the techniques and steps required for making the Focaccia.

Goal for the Future:

  • I want to show others that I truly value their contributions by acknowledging their ideas and incorporating their suggestions into the process. Moving forward, I aim to improve my collaboration skills by being more open to feedback and working on my communication within the team.

My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

During my first year of high school, some classes I particularly enjoyed were my Food Studies class and my Physical Education class. Over the course of the year, I expanded my knowledge in many areas, including the culinary arts. What had once been the most rudimentary knowledge of cooking grew to become a wider understanding of the important life skill. In other courses, I studied new branches of mathematics, different areas of science, and new eras of history.

Throughout my first two semesters at Centennial, I discovered some strengths and stretches. I can confidently say that my skills in English are something to take pride in. I also believe that I am strong in Mathematics, but that may change once I start learning more advanced branches such as calculus. A stretch of mine (which I have regretfully possessed since the beginning of middle school) is working on and turning in assignments before they are due. Another stretch is coming up with things that can relate to me, my school life, or my personal life. An example would be finding a “Useful Educational Website” or a “Useful Educational Image”. I don’t know about other people, but finding these proves highly challenging (at the time of writing, those spaces in the Edublog stay woefully blank.)

A Useful Educational Website


This website helped me cite sources properly, rather than simply copying the URL. Since part of the digital literacy assignments required the use of this website, it was quite useful.

A Useful Educational Video

This video was a big help as part of my Food Studies class. I learned quite a bit from it, which helped me make better muffins.

A Useful Educational Image

I chose this image because I used it in an assignment for my P.E. class. As part of an Edublog assignment in that class, I was told to insert a meme that depicts how I deal with stress. This meme fit perfectly, so I used it for the assignment.

An Inspirational Quote

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

-Albert Einstein

I chose this quote because it is applicable to everyday life, as well as being inspirational. This year, I tried to keep up with homework, and had some degree of success, but procrastination hindered my attempt to complete homework on time. Times where I let homework pile up would cause me to “lose my balance” and fall off the metaphorical bicycle. If I “kept moving” (completed homework and assignments on time), then I would have been able to keep my balance and avoid the arduous task of completing my homework all at once.

Works Cited

Life Is Like Riding a Bicycle. To Keep Your Balance You Must Keep Moving – Quote Investigator®. 28 June 2015, https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/06/28/bicycle/.

25+ How I Sleep Knowing Memes to Make You Laugh – ShutEye. 5 Dec. 2022, https://shuteye.ai/how-i-sleep-knowing-memes/.

Preppy Kitchen. Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins. 2021. YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R7yUFFy1wI.

ZoteroBib: Fast, Free Bibliography Generator – MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard Citations. https://zbib.org/. Accessed 15 Apr. 2024.

French 9 Edublog

In French 9, I improved my understanding of sentence structure and grammar. However, I still find speaking in French very challenging.

I am proud of my Family Tree (Arbre de Famille) project. Although it might have been lacking creativity, I am glad I managed to finish it despite it being the bottom of my priorities. I really had to push myself to even start the project, which I started a day before I was due to present.

What went well?

In the end, I got the project done and out of the way.

What might I have done differently?

Many, many things. For one, I could have started it the day it was assigned instead of leaving it in the back of my mind to rot until the day before I was presenting. The Thinking core competency could be better utilized in this situation by limiting procrastination and the endless distractions. The Communication competency could be utilized in this situation by asking for help on the project (mostly the creative aspects). Despite spending time to complete this reflection (if only because my mother would never let me hear the end of it if I failed to complete this Edublog), none of the improvements I mentioned will be applied in the near (and far) future. The kind of person I am just prevents me from telling my procrastination monkey to shut up. Instead, this “monkey” grabs me by the neck and makes me surf the Internet until a day before the due date, when the deadline monster scares him away. After that, the deadline monster forces me to complete the project (meant to be done in 2 weeks) in 24 hours. So far, I have managed to hang on, but I know this procrastinating primate will not serve me well in the future.

ADL Social Studies – Ethical judgement

Is violence justified during a protest?

A) How did the use of AI assist you in developing this project?

AI (mostly ChatGPT) helped find real-life examples to strengthen my argument. Instead of trying to find information on Google, using ChatGPT worked better because AI is better at finding exactly what you’re searching for.

B) How did you ensure that the work you created was still your own, rather than just a product of the AI?

I only used AI to give me an idea of what to write about. My part of the script was written entirely by me. I did not need to “ensure” anything, because when using the AI, all I asked the AI was “examples of when violence is justified in a protest” instead of “Argument for why violence is justified in a protest”.

C) Did you agree with the position you had to argue? Why or why not? 

I initially did not agree with the position I was arguing, but after some research on the subject, I began to understand that violence is necessary in some circumstances.

Core Competency Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include… 

I often use the Internet, as it’s convenient and mostly yields useful results. Rarely, I will consult another person and gather information that way.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I… 

In such a scenario, I work as I normally would. School assignments rarely require a connection between group members, and while it is nice to know people, it doesn’t change how I approach the assignment.

Geography Town Assignment

Geography Town Assignment

Curricular Competency Reflection

  1. I understood, identified and explained how those forms of vegetation created economic

opportunities either directly or indirectly.

2. I understood, identified and explained the reasons for the processes of climate ( rain, snowfall,

temperature and winds ) on the town I chose.

3. I understood, identified and explained how those climate characteristics created economic

opportunities either directly or indirectly.

Core Competency Reflection

I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas. When I was making this project, I struggled to find things to write about. I constantly believed what I wrote was not good enough, but eventually realized that submitting a sub-par (at least by my standards) assignment is better than not doing it at all.

I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals. When I was stuck with nothing to write on this assignment, my dad gave me some ideas of what to write, which helped me complete the assignment.

I can think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it. I tried to use professional language when creating this project, rather than the amateurish language normally utilized by students because a teacher, rather than a student, would be reading it.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. While researching information for this project, I was able to deduce that Calgary would be a good place to install solar panels because it receives so much sunshine during the year.

I can develop a body of creative work over time. I want to become more creative throughout the course of high school. I much prefer straight, non-confusing assignments rather than assignments with a creative aspect involved. I need to work on this because many assignments in high school require creativity and thinking (What do YOU think? How does this connect to YOUR life? etc.) If I’m being honest, these questions (What is an example from YOUR life?) really infuriate me because my life isn’t quite that storied or interesting, which often forces me to make up events from my own life.

Advertisement persuasion project

My advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

Persuasion and Advertisement Unit Reflection

Why is it important to remember who benefits from the advertisement when you view an advertisement?

Recognizing who the beneficiary of an advertisement is (for example, McDonalds would benefit from an ad about their products) is important because it helps potential customers make informed decisions and avoid unsavory companies.

Choose one form of persuasion and explain why it is effective in persuading you/an audience: logical, ethical, emotional

Emotional: Emotional persuasion (pathos) is effective in persuading people because many people are easily angered, saddened, excited, or moved when viewing ads. For example, an ad about donating to cancer research plays off people’s sympathy for cancer patients, and people who see the ad may feel bad if they don’t donate.

Choose an advertising technique and explain why it is effective in selling a product.

Testimonials (particularly ones featuring famous individuals) are effective in selling a product because knowing that other people find the product useful/enjoyable inevitably increases your willingness to buy the item. Testimonials from famous people are especially effective because celebrities are thought to have more authority and thus more knowledge on the topic. This isn’t always true, but having shoes endorsed by The Rock makes those shoes seem extra special to some people.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is…

While I was creating my advertisement, my dad suggested that I use the phrase “If you smell what The Rock is cooking” in my ad. I decided to use it, and added a few words from The Rock telling people to buy the product.

This is how I selected images and words to create impact for my planned audience:

The image that I used was purposefully taken on a bed of rocks in my backyard because it evokes thoughts of hiking on mountains. If I had taken it in a sunlit forest, it would have failed to demonstrate the shoes’ ability to protect your feet, even in rugged terrain. One word I chose to use (“cumbersome”) highlight the benefits of Vessis as opposed to other waterproof options.

One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was…

Looking at other ads for footwear. I tried to get an idea of how modern shoe ads were created, and incorporated some aspects into my own design. I was trying to make the ad appear modern, using muted colors for a contemporary look.