Self-Assessment – CP 11


In Unit 4, we learned about recursive functions, which I found to be challenging but very rewarding when you finally “get it right.” In the “Show Off” assignment, we have to incorporate 4 of 8 given concepts we learned about in this unit. When I got started on this assignment, I wasn’t sure what I would do. I eventually settled on the plan of “fake” 3D graphics. However, I realized that this wouldn’t show up very well on the screen (we’re using Turtle graphics for this). I changed my plan to incorporate containers, rather than depth. In this assignment so far, I’ve learned how to use dictionaries to make shortcuts in typing code out, and how to use them effectively to change the output for the user, based on what’s in the dictionary; both keys and values. I’ve also learned how to properly access and change lists within dictionaries, which took me a while to understand. What’s different about this assignment is it combines the ideas of projects I’ve done in the past, and making them better.

I can statements:

  1. I can monitor my progress and adjust my actions to make sure I achieve what I want
  2. I can make choices that will help me create my intended impact on an audience or situation
  3. I build the skills I need to make my ideas work, and usually succeed, even if it takes a few tries

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