Critical Thinking
In my Personal Biography, I thought of ways I could try to improve my overall health. I also thought about the potential factors that impact my health, whether they were negative or positive. I also reflected on the reasons why these factors exist (e.g. what I like to do in my free time/what I have time to do).
I think I excel at making positive social connections. I have a consistent schedule of meeting online and socializing with my friends each day after school/on weekends. I am also fairly good at getting enough sleep (~8 hours per day). I should get more exercise, as most of the exercise I get outside of PE is walking to and from school. I should also do more stretches, as I spend a lot of time sitting down, and this often results in me being in a bad position and worsening my posture. In this unit, I think I demonstrated strength in Critical Thinking. For example, I was able to notice when differences in the amount of sleep I got (during the four days we recorded for the Lifestyle Tracker) didn’t always match differences in how I felt the next day. In the Influences on Food Choices page, I thought of how the factors we were given impact people’s decisions. Also, in my Nutrition Reflection, I investigated how different aspects of the information I collected affect my overall health.