DD11 Self Assessment

Some of the parameters made in this project. I’m quite happy with how all 16 drawer wall heights were compacted into two parameters.

One assignment I really enjoyed working on was the Cabinet Project. In this assignment, I decided to make it “physically accurate” which required me to add door hinges and rails for the drawers and shelves. I am quite satisfied with how simple I was able to make these while still making them “make sense.” Another focus I had in this assignment was parametric design. I wanted to make the cabinet very adjustable, which was possible in Fusion through the use of parameters, but also quite difficult when working with different references. To get around this, I sometimes had to reference geometry that wouldn’t get removed, or otherwise break whatever referenced it, so sometimes I just referenced the origin.

  • I get ideas that are new to my peers (Creative Thinking)
  • I can persevere with challenging tasks (Personal Awareness and Responsibility)
  • I can experiment with different ways of doing things (Critical Thinking)
An image showing the joint for the door hinge, and the sliding joints for the drawers and shelves. While the 16 drawers/shelves had to be added separately for multiple reasons, I was able to do this quite quickly, and applying the joints actually made things easier as it put each in its correct position right away.

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