Computer Programming 11 – Self-Assessment


In Unit 7, we learned how to use Circuit Playgrounds using Arduino, a variation of C. For this assignment, “Mini Project,” we were required to make a creative project that used new features of the boards. I planned to make a simple “driving game” where the goal is not to crash. When I started this project, I was not quite sure of how I could use the board features for my game. I submitted my plan, and my teacher suggested I use Python to deal with simple graphics for the game (the Circuit Playground could be used for all inputs). It took me a while, but I eventually figured out how to send information over a serial port and detect “tilt” from the Circuit Playground. It took me some time to figure out how to encode the information that I sent back and forth over the port, in a way that could be understood by both the Arduino and Python programs.

Once that was done, I added steering, made the Circuit Playground respond using multiple inputs, and I thought the project was almost complete. I discovered this was not the case after making the graphics portion of the project. It was far more difficult than expected, and ended up breaking my program somehow (even when one copy “worked” at one point!) In the end, I got copies of my program that could complete one function or the other. In the future, I should save a few more copies of my work (especially considering Python files are so small!)

I can statements:

  • I can get new ideas or build on other people’s ideas, to create new things within the constraints of a form, a problem or materials (Creative Thinking)
  • I can experiment with different ways of doing things (Critical Thinking)
  • I can persevere with challenging tasks (Personal Awareness and Responsibility)

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