My inquiry project was about technological changes in the war. This project taught me how to not leave stuff till the last minute. For the first couple of parts of this project I should have gotten a jump start on the project, but I waited till last minute. The most important parts of this project was learning how to research and make some of your own notes. I also learned about how weapons evolved up to today. I learned about tanks, machine guns and communication devices. This was cool to see how they evolved. Overall, my topic has a big impact on today’s world because it has shaped the world and made it the way it is today.
Core competency
An example of where I took a significant risk in my thinking or the expected process was when i took the risk and did a power point instead of doing a essay this was a risk because lots of people told me that the power point would be much harder.
An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is when we started learning about WW1 and i learned about weapons like machine guns and this gave me the idea to make that my topic.
I use evidence to make judgements or decisions, as demonstrated in my research part.
A. which two traits in the baby lab involved more than two genes. Explain how the number of active genes determines the phenotype. His eye and skin colour. The more genes involved the more possible outcomes there are.
Were there any traits that you did not want your baby to inherit? Explain where do you think these biases or prejudice come from? I did not want our baby to have some traits for sure. Some traits where the square face which was something I really did not want my baby to have because this makes his ears look bigger and he kinda of looks scary. Another trait that my baby has is his bushy big eye brows. This is a trait that can make him look more unique but different from others. His square face, big ears and bushy eyebrows make his look unique but he does not look like most humans.
Core competency reflection
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are to communicate and listen to my partner.
I appreciate feedback on my work and thank my partner for helping me with some mistakes.
when I need to boost my mood or refocus I like to go for a drink of water or eat a snack.
I want to celebrate my accomplishments such as. At the beginning of the year this was a tough subject for me as I am not the strongest in math. This photo captures all my hard work in the first unit we did. The first unit we did was trig. This was a new topic I have never heard of. I felt very overwhelmed. After the first week of learning this topic I thought I was not going to understand this topic. After many hours of hard work and patience I started to understand this topic. While doing this topic at the start of the unit I felt down as I could not answer any of the questions. By the end of the unit I could answer most questions and this made me really proud. I will plan to do this for the rest of the year. Although I am challenged by math 10 I plan on getting through these challenges by working hard and studying as much as I can.
Come try these fluffy tasty vanilla cupcakes for just a price of 1 dollar. Our cupcakes are delightful. From the fluffy icing to the bright red Strawberrys limited edition cupcakes are going to blow your mind. Come down to 1323 smith Ave to try our cupcakes. If you buy 2 cupcakes get your third one free
BD Bakery – 778-999-1249
I used word for my cupcake print ad. I put lots of thought into this I tested out Canva and word. I was using Canva until I couldn’t find any appealing pictures so I decided to use word as I am more familiar with. I find word easier to use because I have more experience because I have been using it my whole life.
Some challenges I encountered while choosing ingredients was trying to stay in a reasonable price range while still making a profit.
my print ad is very effective because it is very appealing to look at while it is sold at a great price.
3 core competencies that I demonstrated while doing this project. I ask and respond to questions to be an active and supportive listener. I also worked with others to achieve a goal. I can form new ideas to create new things I can also build on the ideas of others.
Canada and Spain are different and similar country’s. Spain is located in the southwest of Europe as Canada is located in western North America. These two countries have very different traditions and history. Spain is known for there popular cities like Madrid and Barcelona as Canada is known for their popular cities Toronto and Vancouver. The currency in Spain is Euros. Sports in Spain is much different than sports in Canada. Canada is known for their Hockey and Lacrosse. Spain is known for their soccer and bullfighting. Both countries are passionate for there sports as they take lots of pride in them. As you can tell both of these countries are very different and only have a couple of similarities. I would love to visit Spain and their amazing landmarks. I would love to go to Spain and watch a soccer game as their fans are very entertaining.
Core Competency Reflection
I can form new ideas to create new ideas. I can also build on the ideas of others. I felt like I formed many ideas from this project. Me and my partner also used each others ideas to build of.
I can tell the difference of facts and opinions. I demonstrated this core competency by writing facts but also my own opinions. My own opinions can make my poster more interesting and fun to read.
I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. I felt like I had lots of fun doing this project as I got to learn about a new place that I would like to visit in the future. Those are some reason on how I demonstrated this core competency.
I can ask open-ended questions to gather information. I used this core competency by asking my partner or google questions I needed to know. I also demonstrated this by asking question to clarify to gather information.
One core competency I would like to work towards is I can identify how my actions affect the community or environment and I can make positive change. I would like to work towards this goal because I would like to know how I can make the environment better and make a positive change.
What are 3 core competencies you demonstrated with the Storyboard Assignment?
One core competencies that I demonstrated for this project was I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I demonstrated this from being very creative in my project and getting examples and ideas from other friends. I also believe that I demonstrated this core competency. I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. I try my best to work having fun and enjoying the assinment I have to work on. I think did a good job at that for this project. I use strategies to help me find peace and I sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. This is another core competency that I demonstrated during the project because in class when I was working I did my best to stay focused. The strategy I used was listening to music to help me stay focused.
My grade 9 year was a fun year to remember. I learned a variety of subjects and came across struggles and challenges. I enjoyed projects I did this year rather then stressful tests. This year I picked electives that I would enjoy and learn from. I took business, Hockey and Spanish. I struggled with challenges that I overcame. I enjoyed doing projects in English and learning about shakes spear. I also loved learning about the French Rev. Some challenges I overcame was Math at the start of he year I was struggling and later in the year I took time to study everyday and review the notes. This year I was most proud getting a extending on my book report and having the courage to get up in front of the whole class.
I picked Quizlet as my useful website because this helped me learn in a fun way. I also loved learning in a fun competitive way because that is how I like to learn. This helped me study for many tests and that’s why I picked Quizlet as my useful educational website.
A Useful Educational Image
An image that is helping me a lot during this semester is the periodic table. I have been using this to help me with everything in chemistry. This has also been very helpful during test as I have been able to study with it and finish work. Those are some reasons why I picked the periodic table.
A Useful Educational Video
I picked this video because it helped me when I was struggling with math. This video also helped me study for tests and do better in math. This helped me understand the concept of polynomials better.
An Inspirational Quote
I picked this quote because this helped me get through rough days when I needed an extra push. I also love thinking about this outside of school either in hockey or when I am doing homework. I also love hard work and this quote expresses that.
It won’t let me get the video in because I have a chrome book.
Reflection Questions-Is Violence justified in a Revolution?
A) How did the use of AI assist you in developing this project. I used AI to help me overcome challenges I faced. I tried my best to find research on Google and couldn’t find any research on the question is violence justified in a Revolution. I went to AI and asked it the question and I got a well detailed answer.
B) How did you ensure that the work you created was still your own, rather than just a product of the AI. I tried my best to changed most of the word into my own and I read over it 5 times.
C) Did you agree with the position you had to argue? Why or why not? I agreed with the position I had to argue because I found lots of information on AI which helped a lot.
Core Competency Reflection
My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include. I like to set goals before I do things to know to specific order I’m going to get my work done. After that I like to put all my facts into points then get information from those point later on.
When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I. First I like to introduce my self and have a good conversation before we get to work. After that I like to set goals that we both agree on. After all that I like to encourage them.
I want this day to be special for my little brother. I picked my little brother for this project because he is always positive and really fun to hang out with. I picked some activities that he would enjoy because he deserves it. First, I picked the driving range because my little brother likes to play golf in our backyard. After golf I am taking my little brother to Cactus Club. I picked Cactus because the food there is delicious. I remembered that my brother likes to eat a lot of ice cream so for dessert I ordered him a hot lava cake with ice cream on the side. After lunch my brother and I went to extreme air park. I remember when we went to extreme air park when he was to young and tiny to jump around with me and my friends and he got really sad, so I wanted to take him to extreme air park. After Extreme air park me and my brother took a little break. After our break we went right next door to Planet Lazer. I know how much my little brother loves Lazer tag so I know he would have a great time. After Lazer tag my brother and I went back home and took a nap. Later in the day we went to get more ice cream because ice cream is my brothers favourite thing in the world. I went to take my brother to dairy queen and get blizzards because he loves blizzards. After ice cream me and my brother went go karting for one last race before it was time to go home I picked my little brother because he is not only my brother but my friend. My brother and I had an amazing day and we thank our Mom for driving us around.
Description Of Purchase
Percentage Of Budget
Driving Range
Cactus Club
Extreme Air Park
Lazer Tag
Ice Cream
Go Karting
1. How much did you end up spending on your special day? On my special day with my brother we ended up spending $272.27.
2. What percentage of the total budget did you end up spending? My brother and I used up 90.72% of the 300 hundred dollar budget.
3. What might you have done differently if you only had a budget of $100? If we only had 100 dollars we would have done less activities and went to a cheaper restaurant because the restaurant we went to was very expensive.
4. What might you have done differently if you had a budget of $500? If we had 500 hundred dollars we would have went to the mall and get new cloths and shoes. I would have taken my brother to a expensive restaurant in downtown.
1. Why did you choose this specific person? Why do you believe they deserve to be celebrated? I choose my little brother because every time we are together we always have a great time. I believe that my brother should be celebrated because he is always positive and super kind to everyone.
2. Why did you choose to spend your budget the way you did? What factors went into your decisions? Some factors that went into my decision was thinking about things my little brother would like to do and things he would like to try. I did my best on doing things that my brother liked.
I try to manage my stress with a variety of ideas. Technolagy is a big part of how I manage my stress. Some of the biggest things I do to manage my wellbeing is listen to music. If I’m stressing about something I try to stay positive and listen to positive music to help. When I listen to music it helps me get back to work and get it done. Whenever I’m stressing that is a quote I like to hear because it makes me get it done so I’m not stressing anymore. Something I do when I’m stressing is watch TikTok because it helps me relax and get back to whatever I need to do. I feel like technology really helps me when I’m stressing. Sometimes I also play hockey when I’m stressed.
Core Competency Reflection
I find it easy to be part of a group because I like to work with others. I like to share my ideas in group work and start small talk with my peers. I feel like when I was younger I was shy and now I am more social.
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it. When others are down or not feeling well I feel its best to help. I try to talk to them and try to make them laugh. After that I try to ask them whats wrong and talk about it.
I participate in classroom or group activities that improve the class, school, or community by helping others when they need help.