Word art
The internet has a variety of cites. Which include games, videos, shows, movies and lots of information. Being positive on the internet is very important. Everything you do will be saved. Any photo you post will still be there. That’s why I try my best to stay positive on the internet. For example, you are trying to get a job and the manager searches you up and could see one bad photo and see the type of person you were, even if you have changed. They could see any hurtful or disrespectful comment. If you are positive it can lead to future opportunities and a better reputation because having a positive digital footprint is important. If you have a negative digital footprint you could possibly ruin your future. Some examples of negative activity on the internet is being rude to someone on one of their Instagram posts, TikTok videos, or any type of picture or video. A couple examples of being unsafe is cyberbullying, falling for scams or catfishing. Cyberbullying can really hurt someone for the rest of their life. Another example is giving someone your private information even if they are your best friend. Some precautions to stay safe online, try to have a strong password for all accounts, check that websites look and feel reliable and to keep your device updated. Those are some ways to stay safe online. That’s why its important to have a positive digital footprint.
Core competency Reflection
- Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships. Some of the ways I maintain online relationships is to get to know the person better by asking him or her questions about them selves.
- Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include going online for 3 hours a day .
- I think my experiences as a digital citizen, such as learning online during Covid influenced my choice of course/hobbies/ teams because I learned how to work a computer more efficiently and that helped me enjoy free writing as a hobby.
Work cited
- Digital footprint (ITSAP.00.133)Canadian Centre for Cyber Securityhttps://www.cyber.gc.ca › guidance › digital-footprint…
- Gurfova, Rita V., et al. ‘Formation of a Student’s Digital Competencies Based on a Digital Footprint’. 2019 International Conference ‘Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies’ (IT&QM&IS), IEEE, 2019, pp. 497–501. DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.1109/ITQMIS.2019.8928388.