Comparison to Canada
Canada and Spain are different and similar country’s. Spain is located in the southwest of Europe as Canada is located in western North America. These two countries have very different traditions and history. Spain is known for there popular cities like Madrid and Barcelona as Canada is known for their popular cities Toronto and Vancouver. The currency in Spain is Euros. Sports in Spain is much different than sports in Canada. Canada is known for their Hockey and Lacrosse. Spain is known for their soccer and bullfighting. Both countries are passionate for there sports as they take lots of pride in them. As you can tell both of these countries are very different and only have a couple of similarities. I would love to visit Spain and their amazing landmarks. I would love to go to Spain and watch a soccer game as their fans are very entertaining.
Core Competency Reflection
I can form new ideas to create new ideas. I can also build on the ideas of others. I felt like I formed many ideas from this project. Me and my partner also used each others ideas to build of.
I can tell the difference of facts and opinions. I demonstrated this core competency by writing facts but also my own opinions. My own opinions can make my poster more interesting and fun to read.
I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. I felt like I had lots of fun doing this project as I got to learn about a new place that I would like to visit in the future. Those are some reason on how I demonstrated this core competency.
I can ask open-ended questions to gather information. I used this core competency by asking my partner or google questions I needed to know. I also demonstrated this by asking question to clarify to gather information.
One core competency I would like to work towards is I can identify how my actions affect the community or environment and I can make positive change. I would like to work towards this goal because I would like to know how I can make the environment better and make a positive change.