Course Reflection

This course has really been an amazing experience for me I’ve met a lot of great people, I’ve made a ton of delicious food and i also feel that I’ve learned some super useful skills that has helped me become better in the kitchen and i believe that i can use these skills to continue to learn and become and even an even better chef later down the road.

I would like to say thanks to all the people that I’ve gotten to know throughout this course and for also helping me when i needed help, and for also making time in class a whole lot better.

I would also like to thank Ms Bolli for teaching me all these amazing skills and helping me grow throughout my time in this course, i also want to say thank you for introducing me to all these awesome recipes and i well make sure i continue to cook and continue to try out new dishes for me and my family to enjoy.

Finally if i had to give any advice to any future foods students i would say don’t worry about messing up, because that’s how you learn from your mistakes and it helps you to become a better cook plus you’ll always get a second chance to try and do better. I would also say to make sure you get to know the people in your group because your gonna be stuck with them for a whole semester you should at least get to learn something about them because teamwork is an essential skill to becoming a better cook and just becoming better in the kitchen overall, plus you could make some really good friends by the end of it.

Overall this experience has been a real eye opener for me and i feel that this will only help me grow to be a better cook.

And for all the reasons listed above i would give this course 5/5 stars

Korean Style Sushi


For this final lab of the course we were tasked with making our very own sushi, we had to prep our own nori to roll the sushi on and the veggies that we were going to use as filler for the sushi, we also had to learn how to roll our own sushi.

The vegetables i chose for my sushi was avocado, peppers, carrots and a little bit of green peppers, i was going for a bit of a California roll type of sushi.

What went well for me was my knife skills because for the veggies had to cut them pretty thin so i feel that i did a pretty good job in doing so.

Next time i need to work on paying more attention to the recipe because i forgot to add the filler with the rice before rolling it but thankfully i was able to fix my mistake with a little help.

Overall i was super happy with how they turned out and i’m really glad that i was able to make them for the first time. i would definitely make these again because i would love to try and mix up the fillers to try something different, plus i’m pretty sure my family would love to try them sometime.

For all these reasons i would give this lab 5/5 stars.

Greek Week


For this big lab we had to make an entire Greek dinner for our whole group to share at the end, we make some popular Greek foods like roasted potatoes, chicken souvlaki, Greek salad, pita bread and tzatziki to top it off.

For this we had to work with our group and split the jobs to help prepare this awesome feast. My job was to prepare the tzatziki and the greek salad which wasn’t really hard at all.

The tzarziki didn’t have a lot of steps to it but it was a lot of waiting around for the water to come out of the cucumber so I took that time to help out my group a little with there tasks while I waited for mine to be ready.

For the Greek salad it was fairly simple as well for the majority of the time i found myself mostly preparing the vegetables that were going to be put in the salad and then making the dressing to go on top.

What went well for me was my confidence on my own because I had to work on my own a lot and i found that i did a pretty good job and the food came out really well. I also found that my knife skills improved a bit because i had to prep a lot of food using the knife mainly for the Greek salad.

Next time i need to work on my communication with my group a little bit more because I felt that I should have been asking about how my groups progress was going and seeing if I could help them a bit more.

Overall I was really happy with how everything turned out and I feel that me and my group did a great job with the food and i’m glad to have had them in my group. I would definitely make this again because me and my family love Greek food and I would really like to make it for them someday.

For all these reasons I would give this lab 5/5 stars

Pecan Snowball Cookies


For this lab we had to make our very own Greek dessert for Greek week, so we made pecan snowball cookies, I had never heard of this dessert before but I was excited to being able to make it then the try it for myself, plus I’m a sucker for desserts so I’m always down to try a brand new one.

The recipes only had seven ingredients and only took about 10 minutes to make and 20 minutes to bake, it also made a total of around 18 cookies.

For this recipe we had to use the electric mixer to help make the mixture very creamy to help give it the softer texture on the inside and get a bit of a harder texture on the outside after it’s done baking.

What went well for me was the communication with my group so we were able to get them in the oven pretty fast, our time management skills were also pretty good too and we had time to spare near the end.

Next time i need to work on being a little more organized.

Overall i was really happy with how everything turned out and i’m glad that i was able to make this awesome dessert, I would definitely make this again because i would like to make this for my family

For all these reasons i would give this lab 5/5 stars

Thin Crust Pizza


For this lab we were tasked with making our very own thin crust pizza from scratch, which I had to make as a home lab. This was a fairly simple lab that really didn’t have many ingredients in it.

The two methods we had to use for this lab was the yeast bread and flour mixture methods.

What went well for me was my time management skills because I was able to finish my pizza at a reasonable time at home i also think i did a pretty good job working confidently on my own when preparing the pizza.

Next time i need work on my organization skills because at times i found myself lost of what had to do next.

Overall I believe that this was a really successful lab and the final product tasted awesome. I would definitely make this again because I love pizza and i would love to make it for my family sometime.

For all these reasons I would give this lab 5/5 stars

Fruit Skillet Cake


For our first day back from winter break we were tasked with making our very own fruit skillet cake from scratch, which was a a dish that I’ve seen before but never actually eaten before so I was pretty excited to get the chance to try it for myself.

That methods that we used in this dish was the flour mixture method, quick bread and the cake method.

What I think went well for me during this lab was my groups time management skills which I thought went well. I also believe that my confidence was really good in the this lab, i found that i didn’t need to ask many questions throughout the lab. I also think that the communication between me and my partner was also pretty good during the lab and I found that it helped us get things done faster.

Next time i need to work on be a little more organized during the lab.

Overall I think that this lab went very well and i was really happy with how the final product turned out.

For the reasons above I would give this lab 5/5 stars

Chicken Christmas Dinner


For this big December lab we had make a our own Christmas dinner from scratch as a group, we were tasked with making all the classic dishes that are had over the holidays like glazed carrots, mashed potatoes, stuffing and a Christmas chicken.

As a group we were all in charge of our duties that we needed to follow to help complete this final product. I was in charge of preparing the mashed potatoes and I also helped around when my group needed it.

What went well during this lab was our time management skills were pretty good and I feel that we did a good job sticking to the schedule. I also think that we did a great job staying organized throughout the lab and overall the dished turned out amazing too.

Next time I need to work on my communication with my group because I made the mistake of cutting the potatoes to small due to me being kind of confused so next time I’ll make sure to ask if I need help.

Overall I was very proud with how everything turned out and would love to make it again sometime for me and my family to have over the holidays.

For these reasons I would give myself a 4.5/5

Agnolotti Pasta


For this lab we had to make our very own agnolotti pasta from scratch, over three days of cooking. We had to make the dough, roll it out and finally cook them till they were ready to eat. For this recipe we had to use a pasta maker which was a first for me but I had no problem because my group helped me through the whole thing.

What went well for me was my communication with my group and I felt I did a pretty good job learning and using the pasta maker where the dough came out really well, I also feel I did a pretty good job when preparing the actual pasta’s like cutting, folding and filling them.

Something I can work on for next time is to try and be a little faster because we really cut it close near the end of this recipe.

Overall I think this dish turned out really well and they tasted really good too. I would definitely make these again because these are one of my more favorite pasta’s and I would like to make it for my family sometime.

For all these reasons I would give this lab a 5/5

Veggie Chili & Corn Bread


For this lab we had to make chili and corn bread from scratch, we had the choice between a meat or veggie chili and me and my partner decided to make the veggie chili. I’d never had veggie chili or corn bread before so i was pretty excited to make it to see what it would taste like.

The two methods that we used were sauteing for the vegetables and one pot dish which we used to make the actual chili in. For this we had to use a lot of different spices to help bring out the flavour of the dish, which is an area of cooking that i feel i need to work on.

The corn bread was simple to make as well, and at the end it turned out good but it was a tiny bit dry but that’s something that i can work on improving the next time i make it.

What went well for me was my communication with my partner, and my knife skills went pretty well too. I also think that i did a good job in following the recipe and i feel that the final products turned out great too.

Next time I need to work on my time management skills and I think I need to also work on being a little more confident in the kitchen.

I would definitely make this again because it was really good and it was fairly simple to make, i would make this for my family because they love chili and i’d love to show them how my cooking skills have improved.

For all the reasons i would give this lab a 5/5 stars.