About the project
In a class debate, we are usually split into two teams, each arguing a different side of a topic. My team and I prepare our arguments and present them with an opening statement. We then listen to the other team’s points and respond to them during the rebuttal session, addressing their arguments and strengthening our own. The debate wraps up with our closing statements, and sometimes we answer questions before the class or judge decides which side made the stronger case.
Core Competency Reflection
I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I analyzed the case studies including Bedford and then present it in a matter that I felt fit.
I can develop a body of creative work over time. I have the ability to cultivate and expand a body of creative work over time, consistently enhancing and refining my artistic expression.
I can advocate for myself. I can use my knowledge to advocate for myself.
I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences. I can show what I’ve learned and explain how it relates to my experiences.
Curricular Competency Reflection
Making reasoned ethical judgments about controversial decisions, legislation, or policy involves balancing various perspectives, values, and consequences. Using ethical frameworks like utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics helps systematically evaluate each position’s merits and drawbacks. Considering diverse viewpoints and both short- and long-term outcomes ensures thoughtful judgments. Staying open to new information and reassessing initial conclusions fosters responsible ethical decision-making.