Core Competency Goals

When I need work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I try to introduce myself to the people I am working with. I share my ideas and thoughts all while listening to my collaboration partners’ ideas and opinions. I think getting to know the person or people I am working with will help us all work together and produce a better, cleaner, product.

How do I work best? I find I work best in a mostly quite classroom with a little bit of background noise. Working in a quite classroom helps me stay focused and organized so I can easily get work done. I also find I work better at school than at home and I try my best to get all of my homework done at school either in class or in flex time.

Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include, staying up to date on my homework and quizzes and taking a break from work whenever I need one. I understand being in class is important, but I would rather be enjoying the class than feeling like I am being forced to be in a class. To stay physically healthy, I will continue to go to gymnastics and walk to school. I will also keep going one bike rides with my friends and going on walks.