This group photo was taken during our first overnight trip to Golden Ears Park
Core Competency Reflection
Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in group projects. I know how to gather information, respectfully listen, and share ideas connected to a topic. An example is the earthquake/ volcano broadcast video where I was placed in a group with two others. We were able to gather information individually then communicate clearly to share information and eventually design and build a presentation.
Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include regularly hiking with ES and participating in extracurricular sports and activities. With ES we were doing at least 1 hike or walk a week and I am involved in a soccer team that practices 2 times a week with 1 day of games, in addition to a volleyball team which also practices 2 times a week with up to 2 days of games.
My support network is helpful to me because they are always there to help me with homework and they are always available to talk to. I also would like to call my classmates my support group as we can bounce ideas off of each other, inspire each other, and always communicate and talk with each other. Without my support group, I would not be able to excel in school.
For the Hunger Games Advertisement Project, we were instructed to create a project that could benefit either the Capitol or the tributes of the games. We had to create an advertisement using multiple persuasive tactics.
It is very important to remember who benefits from an advertisement when you view an advertisement. It is so important because you need to remember who your audience is and what persuasive tactics would be more beneficial to your product. An example of this is using Snob Appeal and Special Offers. People who would be attracted to Snob Appeal might not want to purchase the product if it goes to a discounted price.
Logical appeal is effective in persuading someone or an audience. Logical appeal is usually backed with facts, statistics, or reasoning that can help the viewer further trust or believe that this product is safe or beneficial to use.
In addition to logical appeal, Card stacking is another effective advertisement strategy. Card stacking is when you only say the good points of your product and only explain the bad points of your competitor’s product. This is a good strategy because it makes your product look great even though it could have bad parts.
Core Competency Reflection
One of the ways I ensured my group was clear on what we were doing was to make a plan on what we wanted our commercial to cover. On a blank piece of paper, my partner and I planned what would go on each slide from what colours we were wanting to use to what advertising strategies we were going to apply. This kept our commercial simple and easy to create.
I showed that I valued feedback from others in my group by listening to their opinions. There were many different times when I was confused about what I wanted the commercial to look like, but luckily my partner was able to give me her opinion and I was able to apply her thoughts to the commercial. Without my partner’s contributions, the commercial would not have been as good as it is.
I knew my group was working well together when I heard us complementing each other’s work. There were many times when my partner and I said encouraging comments to each other after working on a part of the advertisement. I never want myself or a group partner to feel unappreciated while doing a group project so encouraging words are always needed.
One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was watching other commercials/infomercials. By watching the commercials my partner and I were able to gain inspiration that we could then apply to our advertisement.