As Good As Dead: The Movie

My Movie

Plot, Character, Setting, and Mood

Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like.

In the beginning of the series, there was a brief explanation of how Pip looked and acted. It said she had dirty blonde almost brunette hair, pale white skin, and brown eyes. It also mentioned she was a quite yet inquisitive person. This is why I chose to design my avatar the way I did.

How did you choose the plot points?

I decided to choose the plot points that I did because that is when the key events happen in the story. Although, I tried to not give away too many little details that could spoil the rest of the story line.

Explain how you figured out the setting in your story. Why is the setting significant to the story?

I used the pictures I did to show the setting for the book in my movie because they really help the reader connect to the story. The setting is important to the story because it sets the scene for the reader and the setting if the book or movie can affect how you interpret the story.

Explain what the word mood means and how/why you picked the song that you picked?

The mood of my story is very dramatic, suspenseful, but also calm at some points. The song I chose was just that. At the beginning of the book it is very dark suspenseful and you could feel something bad was going to happen, so I chose a song that fit that. Later in the book there are some moments when Pip is starting to understand or figure out what is going on so those would be the slower, less dramatic moments. Then, towards the end part that I have read to, the drama picks up and the dramatic music is back.

Core Competency Reflection

I respectfully advocate for my needs by calmly raising my hand towards the closest teacher, waiting for my turn, and respectfully asking them my question

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend my understanding by quietly listening to the lesson, and asking my peers questions if I do not understand something

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I focus on what is distracting me and remind myself I am given this time to work on a certain assignment. If I notice I am disturbing someone from doing their own work, again I stop and realize what I am doing and remind myself and who ever I was bothering to remember to focus on our work and participate in less socializing.