i learned that its good to break ribs while giving cpr compressions, you don’t need to use mouth to mouth and you should go at 120 bpm. these will help me save a life.
Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection
In this lab I used the core competency communication. The way I used this was with my group, we all had never made anything like it so it was difficult for us to get it done. However we used communication too work together and finish it on time, for example one time we did this was when needed to mix all the spices with the chicken, one person had too mix while the other had to pour ingredients in to the bowl. Even though we had these problems the final product surprisingly turned out pretty good.
I could not figure out how to add the power point so I added it to the teams assignment.
Curricular Competency reflection
Some of the things I needed to research where, lead on the periodic table, who found it, what it was used for and how it was found. the ways I researched where using google mostly and for citing I used zbib.org. this assignment was relatively easy it was just the remembering to cite stuff that got to me, next time I would make sure to copy the link of every website.
Core Competency Reflection
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I normally would go to the gym or play soccer to clear my head, however if it is late at night I make my self some food.
I am so curious about how energy works and how people can use electricity to power stuff that I am excited to learn more about how I could bring the periodic table into it to make it even better.
I appreciate feedback on my work and prefer it comes in the form of criticism so I can improve my habits and prevent mistakes.
GIC + good year stocks GIC + 1 bad year and 2 good year stocks
121,003.68 121,003.68
good things:
the GIC is reliable and you can take it out each year meaning you cant lose that much.
the stock had a bad year when there was zero money in it so you lose nothing.
the stocks are very unpredictable meaning if the bad year wasn’t the first year it would lose a lot.
collaboration with group:
working with the group was difficult during class time as we did not use it affectively.
I decided to take my own path and find my own way to figure this problem out.
no because every other way I tried it wouldn’t work other than this one.
core competencies reflection:
If I notice someone in my group is struggling, that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by asking the tutor or teacher to support our learning.
I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.
I can encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives.
Considering all of the examples of ads you saw and the one you created, what did you learn about who benefits from advertisement?
me and connor liked the way some ads used Famous quotes to catch attention
Why is the who important to remember when you view an advertisement?
because most people would like to know who said that, whether its popular or some random person
Discuss the effectiveness (or not) of each form of persuasion: logical, ethical and emotional on an audience (and on you).
all of them work persuade people into buying products
Core Competency Reflection
This is how I selected images and words to create impact for my planned audience: I made the words pop by highlighting and underlining important words.
One of the ways I ensured my group was clear on what we were doing was to instruct my friend on what his job was.
I showed others that I truly valued their contributions by congratulating friends that finish work.
When you walk around your school, the mall, or even your house I bet you bring your phone, and it rarely leaves your side. This is dangerous because you have apps like snap chat, tik Tok, Facebook, twitter and Instagram, these apps are known as social medias. When you post stuff on these apps you leave behind information about yourself. Did you know that when you post stuff on the internet it never goes away, this is a digital footprint, it is made up of all the pictures, videos, and tweets which you have posted that other people can see. An example of bad digital footprints is if you post a racial comment on a video or make a racist video online, future employers can search your name and find these comments and you would lose the opportunity of getting a job. You can prevent this by not posting stuff you might regret in the future and making all your social media accounts private. Another example of digital footprints is tik Tok trends, a couple of months ago there was a trend where people would steal or break stuff from public washrooms. Surprisingly, people posted videos of them contributing to this trend and many people faced criminal charges because they found the videos online for proof. In conclusion digital footprints can make or break your future education or jobs.
Ahearn, Frank M., and Eileen C. Horan. How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, Leave False Trails, and Vanish without a Trace. Lyons Press, 2010.
I know that digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences including a bad influence on your job, so I adjust my actions to get rid of negative actions
By doing good online, I make a positive difference to my peers.
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are being kind and nice.