Semester Reflection

Economic Theory 12: Reflection
What was the topic of your inquiry project?
This semester, I completed an independent inquiry project about the Japanese Asset Price bubble.
Summarize the most important/interesting parts of your project in 2-3 sentences.
I felt that the most interesting part about my inquiry topic was learning about what happened during my parent’s childhood because they didn’t really know anything about it. I also really found how everything I learned in the course came together in the project. It was surprising to me seeing someone like Ray Dalio whom I met at the start of the course, and ending the course with him too.
Explain how you gathered information and expressed your ideas in your project. Give an example of something you found.
I also practiced using research skills. One of the best pieces of evidence I used for this project was from Ray Dalio’s video about the economic machine. The topic about Ray Dalio’s video was economic bubbles. It really helped me understand the inner workings about what was happening, but also how to fix it.
Explain your thinking: in what ways is this significant and relevant to life in 2024?
This is significant to 2024 because for example China, is experiencing something similar to this right now. If they don’t do anything to fix it, then it could cause mass havoc around the world. But also being wary about the future.
Core Competency Reflection
I have valuable ideas to share about… and do so by… expressing it through my work, and by talking with my peers to share my ideas.
An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is… When we did the exercise about watching the 5 videos about Adam Smith, and then having the group discussion taking turns talking.
I respectfully advocate for my needs by… asking questions when I don’t understand something, or need help with something.