Boom or Bust PowerPoint and Oral Presentation Reflection

Cameron Lau

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Curricular Competency:

  1. I learned about what could happen to our economy if something like this certain economic downturn were to happen again and how greatly it affects the normal lives of people.
  2. One concept I found really interesting is how the people recovered from this recession, because I did not think that people could do something like that.
  3. In the end, I found this topic really interesting and I hope to maybe learn some more of this topic in the near future?

Core Competency: 

Communication: Some communication competencies that I expressed were, talking to the group whenever there was a new idea or questions about the topic or the project, we all worked with each other well, and we worked together to achieve a common goal of finishing the project and getting a good or decent mark. We all did our even fair share of work and recognized that everyone had different ideas and if the group might not have liked it, we could disagree but in a respectful manor.

Social/Personal: We as a group created our project to be something to be proud of, and to our surprise we got a really good mark so we were able to express our sense of accomplishment and joy and took pride in our work as a group. I was able to advocate for myself and others, whilst being able to recognize my own emotions while working on the project, as well as noticing when I needed breaks and when to reward myself for working hard for a certain amount of time.

Thinking: I can analyze my findings and research a bit more on that topic to check if that source was correct, so I don’t accidentally teach my peer false information. I am able to reflect on my thinking as well as ask questions to my peers to see if they might have stumbled upon the answer to my question while they were researching.


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