Creative Writing/Literary Studies 10 in Review

My work: Trial of four (Poetry Collection)

Core Competency Reflection

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is… When we did the peer reviews on our work, I was able to give constructive criticism and use the constructive criticism given to me. I used their advice to improve and make my work better.

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are… I developed poetry skills and it helped improve my creativity because, I had to fulfil certain criteria and using different poetry types in order to make certain types of poems

Active Health Unit Reflection


a. What aspect of your lifestyle do you think you excel at: I think that I excel at more or less staying committed to walking to school everyday instead of asking my parents to drive me. I get to take in fresh air, and also walking to school as some little bit of exercise

b. What aspect of your lifestyle do you think you could improve upon: I could definitely try to drink some more water because it will help cleanse my body, but I can also try to get more sleep so that I’m not as tired everyday.

c. Which core competency did you demonstrate strength in during this unit: Personal Social. I demonstrated Personal Social, because we did a couple of activities in groups by brainstorming together, researching together, and collaborating on projects together. I tried to always consider new opinions, and expressed my opinions and suggestions.


This picture is one of the activities we had in our booklet which taught us how to read nutrition labels. I was really surprised to see some of the ingredients in these foods. I knew pop tarts were pretty unhealthy, but looking at the nutrition label, it shows a lot of junk as well as seeming very processed and unhealthy.

Science Unit Core Competency Self-Assessment


Science Project (Energy Transformation)



I used creative thinking in this assignment by collaborating with others in my group so we can share ideas that we thought of by critically thinking. We were able to build on each other’s ideas to make new and improved better ones. Although we didn’t meet the required time, I think with more practice, and or more information we could have made it.


I also used communication by talking to the audience while presenting, I could have improved my section of the presentation if I looked up and maybe had practiced my lines more so that I would be able to saw it flawlessly.

R2 – Harajuku Fashion

What is your opinion on Harajuku fashion? Do you think these styles could be popular in Canada?

Harajuku Fashion is very weird but also very unique. Harajuku Fashion consists of a variety of different types of styles such as, Decora (Rainbow colours and excessive amount of accessories), Gyaru (Dyed hair, lots of makeup, and strange hairstyles), etc.

Due to Canada’s welcoming of these different things like LGBTQ, as they weren’t so welcoming of it before. I think that eventually if it becomes more popular and more popular within the western fashion sense then I’m sure that we could see this on the streets of downtown, or even in schools. Although even if people are welcoming this, there will be people who don’t welcome it and will probably be mean about it, Harajuku Fashion is all about expressing what you feel and what you want to dress as.

Socials 10 Mid-Term Assessment

Curricular competency – Cause and Consequence

This assignment is one where we were supposed to analyze the major causes of WW1, then write an outline of a paragraph using the information we extracted from it. 3 of the major causes that I determined were important were; Imperialism, Alliances, and Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. Things that I think that I did well and not well are:
Strengths: I liked the paragraph outline because I think it’s easy to put it together to make a paragraph and I think that it explains most of the causes.
Growth: I definitely could have extracted more information to add to the chart and into the paragraph outline and it would have added more depth and overall it would have added more detail.
In conclusion, I’m somewhat proud of it but I do think that I could have added more detail and information to the chart and paragraph. I learned that making a paragraph outline by extracting information from something and then organizing it into an outline can really help make a good paragraph and make it easier while you’re at it.

Core Competency – Thinking

I used Thinking Core Competency in this project because I had to critically think to absorb and extract the most useable and important information. Yet I also had to think to develop and design a paragraph outline. Another thing that comes from the Thinking Core Competency comes from analyzing the data, I analyzed my previous data and used it to put it into the paragraph outline and the chart

R1 – Sando

Why do you think Japan is so creative with its sandwiches? How do these compare to the sandwiches available in Canada?

Japan is so creative with their sandwiches because of the flavours that make them so unique from Canada. For example the Japanese sandwich ランチパック, they make some interesting flavours like sticking fruits into sandwiches which is something I’m not sure Canadians would eat. Another interesting flavour is a cafe all cream, which is to me really unique.

What is the most creative meal you have made or had? Would it taste good in sandwich form??

I haven’t really have had any creative meals but a Japanese meal that maybe some non-Japanese people haven’t had before might be Chirashizushi. To be honest I don’t really like it but Japanese people think it’s tasty. It might taste good in sandwich form but I doubt it.

What sandwich type are you most excited to try? (Upload a photo if you make one!)

I really want to try a Yakisoba-pan. I really like eating Yakisoba so I’m sure it would be so good if it were in between a koppe-pan.

If offered by him, would you eat a part of Anpanman’s head? Why??

I don’t really like Anpan, but I would do anything to eat カレーパンマン’s head because Curry Pan is my favorite Japanese bread. I really like Curry Pan because Japanese Curry itself is very delicious.

Reflecting on My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

This year I enjoyed, learning how different middle school, and high school are from each other. I also liked learning all of these new things that I hadn’t had learned in middle school. I especially enjoyed having all the different teachers, and having them teach me a subject specialized to them.

My Favorite Website

This is one of my favorite websites because this website that lets me book flex, and flex time has really helped me get school work done, or take a load off of my back when I have a lot of work due.

Favorite Video

I really enjoyed learning about the American Revolution, because I found the topic about two countries at war, really interesting. I also found the 7 Years War also really interesting, this terms social studies was really fun.

My Favourite Image

This image me and my partner made for ADL, we were supposed to make a monster to be used in the Hunger Games. We fused a bear, toucan, humming bird, and a unicorn to make Gringamor.

My Favourite Quote

I think this was a good educational quote because I think that it actually resonates with me. I also decided to choose this one because, it makes more sense to me that some other educational quotes.

Work Citations.


Education Quotes. Accessed 17 May 2023

What Caused the American Revolution?, Accessed 17 May 2023.