ADL – Finance Project (Edit)

Cameron Lau


Stocks Up: Calculation

YearSavingsGrand Total
180000 x 1.075 = 8600086000 + 10000 = 96000
296000 x 1.075 = 103200103220 + 10000 = 113200
3113200 x 1.075 = 121690121690 + 10000 = 131690

Stocks Down: Calculation

YearSavingsGrand Total
180000 x .931 = 7448084480
284480 x .931 = 78650.8888650.88
388650.88 x .931 = 82533.96928 82533.96928 + 10000 = 92533.96928

Stocks 2 Up 1 Down: Calculation

YearSavingsGrand Total
180000 x 1.075 = 86000876000 + 10000 = 96000
296000 x .931 = 8937689376 + 10000 = 99376
399376 x 1.075 = 106829.2106829.2 + 10000 =116829.2


I chose option 3 (Stocks) because its a high risk high reward strategy that involves a little bit of luck, but if you can pull it off it is great in the long run. I included three different calculations depending on the situation: Stocks Up, Stocks Down, and Stocks 2 Up 1 Down. If you’re lucky and all three years end up being up you gain a little bit more money than you originally needed, but if you were to lose all three years, you would have a harder time achieving the goal in the three year time frame. But if one year were to fail, you would be a pinch away from the goal. Although Stocks are much riskier than the other two choices, In real life I think I would also choose stocks.


My group was a bit awkward because it was like my group were two separate groups rather than one. We separated ourselves into boys and girls, but even so I think that we made it possible and were able to do our work efficiently rather than awkwardly talking to people that we aren’t comfortable talking to and wasting our time.

Core Competency Reflection:


  • I was able to understand my learning and be able to express it to my peers
  • I can work with others to think about a similar goal


  • I am able to advocate for myself whenever help is needed
  • I’m kind to others and attempt to help others when asked for it


  • I can analyze my findings and make use of them
  • I can consider more than one way for solve equations before I proceed to choose one

Contract Law Storyboard Reflection

Core Competency


I think that I demonstrated Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking in this because of how we needed to come up with an idea on how to portray a type of contract law into a little story about how we use contract law in our everyday lives.


Even if this was a solo project, I think that its ok to collaborate on ideas together to help each other out, but not directly copying the idea, but more like building off of the idea that was created from the group collaboration. And that is where the Social part comes in.

Boom or Bust PowerPoint and Oral Presentation Reflection

Cameron Lau

Image of Slide:

Curricular Competency:

  1. I learned about what could happen to our economy if something like this certain economic downturn were to happen again and how greatly it affects the normal lives of people.
  2. One concept I found really interesting is how the people recovered from this recession, because I did not think that people could do something like that.
  3. In the end, I found this topic really interesting and I hope to maybe learn some more of this topic in the near future?

Core Competency: 

Communication: Some communication competencies that I expressed were, talking to the group whenever there was a new idea or questions about the topic or the project, we all worked with each other well, and we worked together to achieve a common goal of finishing the project and getting a good or decent mark. We all did our even fair share of work and recognized that everyone had different ideas and if the group might not have liked it, we could disagree but in a respectful manor.

Social/Personal: We as a group created our project to be something to be proud of, and to our surprise we got a really good mark so we were able to express our sense of accomplishment and joy and took pride in our work as a group. I was able to advocate for myself and others, whilst being able to recognize my own emotions while working on the project, as well as noticing when I needed breaks and when to reward myself for working hard for a certain amount of time.

Thinking: I can analyze my findings and research a bit more on that topic to check if that source was correct, so I don’t accidentally teach my peer false information. I am able to reflect on my thinking as well as ask questions to my peers to see if they might have stumbled upon the answer to my question while they were researching.

ADL – Finance Project

Cameron Lau


Stocks Up: Calculation


Stocks Down: Calculation

180000 x .931= 744801000084480
284480 x .931= 78650.882000088650.88
388650.88 x .931= 82533.969283000092533.96928

Stocks 2 Up 1 Down: Calculation



I chose option 3 (Stocks) because its a high risk high reward strategy that involves a little bit of luck, but if you can pull it off it is great in the long run. I included three different calculations depending on the situation: Stocks Up, Stocks Down, and Stocks 2 Up 1 Down. If you’re lucky and all three years end up being up you gain a little bit more money than you originally needed, but if you were to lose all three years, you would have a harder time achieving the goal in the three year time frame. But if one year were to fail, you would be a pinch away from the goal. Although Stocks are much riskier than the other two choices, In real life I think I would also choose stocks.


My group was a bit awkward because it was like my group were two separate groups rather than one. We separated ourselves into boys and girls, but even so I think that we made it possible and were able to do our work efficiently rather than awkwardly talking to people that we aren’t comfortable talking to and wasting our time.

Core Competency Reflection:


  • I was able to understand my learning and be able to express it to my peers
  • I can work with others to think about a similar goal


  • I am able to advocate for myself whenever help is needed
  • I’m kind to others and attempt to help others when asked for it


  • I can analyze my findings and make use of them
  • I can consider more than one way for solve equations before I proceed to choose one

R2 – ようかい


  1. Gashadokuro, because it is a skeleton yokai and Halloween is upcoming so I think its suits the Halloween theme.
  2. The yokai Gashadokuro’s background story states that during wars, dead bodies weren’t able to be given a proper funeral so the souls from the bodies were not able to pass on so they were stuck as souls. The souls that were full of hatred and anger, that energy stayed on the bones of their corpse. When the bones of 100 people gather into one area an Gashadokuro is born
  3. I think Japanese monsters are very different than normal monsters from the west because we over here have things like vampires and frankenstein while Japan has umbrellas with legs and ladies with long necks, and even gigantic skeletons.
  4. I do not believe in ghosts or yokai because it is not realistic to me.

Credit: Wikipedia

Product Innovation PowerPoint and Oral Presentation Review

Curricular Competency

  1. I learn quite a bit about the company HelloFresh

2. I learned about how they operate in the business world

3. Learning about businesses was very interesting as I also looked at other companies while deciding what company to choose

Core Competency

Communicating, I orally presented to the class using communication to teach and inform them about HelloFresh

Personal and Social, I overcame my personal fear of presenting in front of people

Thinking, I used my brain to think about how to word everything and how to present the slideshow

Internet Safety

Digital Footprint

Internet Safety 

In my opinion internet safety is very important because; you might accidentally leak your IP or Home address, send death threats and what you say might come back at you in your future, or click a suspicious link and get your device hacked. These are all very scary events that could occur if you aren’t careful about what you’re clicking or what you’re saying to people on the internet.  

You might not know what safe, and unsafe activities might be. Unsafe activities generally include; visiting sketchy websites, clicking sketchy links, talking to unknown people, leaking information you are uncomfortable saying, etc. Some safe activities include, talking to people you know in real life and know well, visiting well known safe websites, using trusted sources, looking at reviews before you download games, etc.  

Ways to stay safe online are some things I said above, but one big one is, telling someone you trust like a parent or guardian if someone is bothering you, or if you might have posted leaked information about yourself so you can get help. It won’t help trying to do nothing and letting it happen. 

Core Competency Reflection

Communication: I can talk to people and inform them of how they can be safe on the internet by giving them some tips on how to stay safe.

Thinking: I can think of new ways to be safe that people might not know.

Personal & Socal: I can help other people be safe but I myself need to be safe as well.


Kids Health. “Online Safety” Kids Health, Reviewed August 2022 .

R1 – Independent Children

How I reflected on the video was, I was amazed how young children maybe only in grade 1-2 can do all of these things independently and by themselves. I wasn’t nearly their age when I myself started doing these kind of chores.

In my opinion it is good to have children learn to be independent at a young age, it is unfortunate that here in Canada, it is not as safe as it is in Japan.

I have not yet used public transit by myself, but I do walk to school myself.

Core Competency Goals

I plan to take responsibility for un-finished work ~ Because I am in high school now, finishing work is something that is 100% needed because it can greatly affect grades. I am not in middle school anymore so I need to adapt to the change quickly!

I will try to take on important roles ~ I want to try to volunteer in more classroom activities when the teacher might ask for volunteers to do something such as; handing back/out work, doing things that no one else wants to do, volunteer to go first in presentations.

I am kind to everyone and will help someone if they need it ~ I will attempt to accomplish this because if I do that someone might reciprocate when I need help too

Why Japanese


I was inspired to learn Japanese because the Japanese language seems cool and interesting and I already have some background knowledge in Japanese. I want to learn Japanese because I have a good amount of goals that revolve around learning Japanese.


I will be motivated in Japanese 9 because if I do not pay attention then 10, 11, and 12 will be tough for me to learn and keep up with the other students who actually paid somewhat attention in previous years. I am going to try my best to participate and learn in class to learn new things.


With my newfound education and Japanese skills I hope to accomplish after graduation moving to Japan and living daily life there. I hope to be able to communicate to my extended family that resides in Japan and be able to communicate so they understand. I am not expecting to be fluent after these 4 years but I wish to have basic knowledge of the Japanese language and culture if we can get to that point.