Hunger Games Mutation Project

My Creation – Gringamor Zaragamba

Core Competency Reflection

  • I can respond meaningfully to communication from peers and adults… — when I was making this mutation, I took my partner’s ideas into consideration.
  • I can think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it… — I planned to make a mutant animal and convey it to my peers
  • I can work with others to achieve a goal… — Me and my group members, worked towards a common goal of trying to accomplish the creation and the presentation of this project.
  • I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share… — I took on the role of creating the animal meanwhile my partner made the presentation, because we are weak in both in the areas that we didn’t do.

Advertisement Persuasion Project

My advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

Persuasion and Advertisement Unit Reflection

Why is it important to remember who benefits from the advertisement when you view an advertisement?: It is important because you want to support good businesses, or small businesses instead of monster ones or businesses with a bad reputation.

Choose one form of persuasion and explain why it is effective in persuading you/an audience: logical, ethical, emotional on an audience: I believe that it is effective to persuade people, when using logical. From my perspective I’m usually persuaded when there is data showing that the product is good or bad, and the amount of people who buy the product.

Choose an advertising technique and explain why it is effective in selling a product.: Emotional is good at advertising because, it might help people relate to the product by hitting people with nostalgia, or by saying that people will be happier with the product.

Core Competency Reflection

  • This is how I selected images and words to create impact for my planned audience: I selected my image because I thought that it would be visually appealing to the viewer, and would make the story behind the advertisement stand out more
  • One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was: I searched up some advertisements and I was inspired by a advertisement and that sparked my imagination to try tmake a nice looking advertisement like that too.
  • I showed that I valued feedback from others in my group by: When my partner wanted something added onto the poster, I took that idea into consideration when I made the poster.0

Learning the Scientific Method: Self Assessment

Artifacts: Egg Drop

Side View of the Egg Drop Device
Egg Drop Device with egg in it

Artifacts: Golf Tower

On the floor
Free standing

Curricular Response:

The build process of the golf tower, was quite different from my build process of the egg drop. The build process of the golf tower was quite disappointing because, it took a long while for the tower to build, but it could not withstand the weight of the golfball. In the end, I took the initiative to make a small cylindrical tube to put the golf ball on, so we could get at least a singular point. The final height was around 1’2 if I recall correctly. The egg drop was equally as disappointing as a result, because my device could not protect the egg from the fall. When it came for my time to drop, I had a microscopic amount of hope when the device was dropping, because from what I saw at the top, the device was falling slower than at the speed of the ones that my peers had made, but in the end the egg cracked.

Both of these experiments have greatly improved my understanding in the scientific method because I learned that experiments are trial and error, and also how to make a proper hypothesis.

Core Competency Self Assessment and Creative Thinking

  • I’m most proud of my egg drop assignment because, I actually had fun, and hope during the experiment process, and the build process.
  • A challenge I had to overcome was in the golf tower challenge, where my partner wanted to build it by himself, and due to this we became short on time, and if we didn’t have any structure to hold a golfball by the end of the class we would get no marks. So I took one for the team, and built a structure that would at least get us that mark.
  • My experience understanding the two Scientific Methods is, since that both of my labs, we mostly failures I understand experiments are trial and error.
  • Tell me how you did the following:

A) I demonstrated that I can create new things when I have prototypes as ideas that I can build on, and have a good hypothesis to test.

B) I demonstrated that I can build on the ideas of others when I can communicate with my partner and talk to them, to discuss ideas that we both agree on and can improve.

C) When trying new things, I expect setbacks and failure and use them to develop my ideas. An example of this from the Scientific Method labs would be when I write my conclusion, or when I analyze my data.

RSelf Study

What you did well and how you can improve your Japanese study habits?

In my opinion something I did well is, using my prior Japanese knowledge and using it to learn more in this class, as well as learning new things and more that I previously didn’t know. I can definitely improve by studying, and memorizing kanji / particles and how the work. I can do this by casually studying when I’m feeling bored and have nothing to do.

Answers to 3 of the following Core Competencies

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is kanji. I have spent a lot of my spare time studying kanji that at my level in Japanese, I should’ve previously known, so I’m using this class as an opportunity to learn what I need to know.

I appreciate feedback on my work, and what I need to improve on, and prefer it comes in the form of short, but informative on what I need to spend more time in.

To celebrate an accomplishment such as learning something new, or forming a difficult sentence,feel more encouraged to learn more, and try to make more sentences.

Scale Factor Project Reflection

Finance Project Edublog Post

Core Competency Reflection

  • When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I will take a break from whatever I’m doing and do something else to get my mind off of whatever is bothering me so I can efficiently work and not waste time procrastinating. This helped me in this project because, I often got distracted while trying to figure out how to scale it down and up.
  • I seek, develop, and weigh options demonstrated by, my peers who might’ve already finish the assignment. This helped me during the time I was stuck and I was able to ask my classmates/friends for aid in the parts where I did not understand.
  • I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I am in a scenario such as if I were dwelling on a problem that I didn’t understand or how to figure it out, I could ask for help or research it. This helped me when I was trying to figure out the scaling problem in the project.

Photography 10

Core Competency“I can” StatementArtifact Reflection
CommunicationI can communicate my learning through a Powerpoint presentation.Whitney Snow.pptxIn my powerpoint presentation, I researched about a specific person and what made them special as a photographer. During the process of making the presentation, I learned some skills in photography that I had not have learned, but also learning about the different people who pursue photography as a job, or a passion. And I hoped to communicate my learning visually through a powerpoint presentation.
ThinkingI can express my thinking and what is going through my head when I am assessing a photo to critique. Image Critique 3.docxWhen I am critiquing an image for a image critique assignment, I can express, pros and cons about how the photographer took the photo, and what they did to make it better; such as, using elements of art, principles of design, color theory, and compositional techniques. But also expressing what I think about the photo and why I like it, or why I might not like it.
Personal and SocialI can express accomplishment with others by sharing my work with them, and seeing if they also like my work.jpeg.png
(Christmas Card)
I believe that this belongs in the personal and social category because, I felt proud of how well my card turned out and I was able to feel accomplished with my work, and that part makes it personal. And for social, I shared it to family, because I felt proud and accomplished that it looked presentable. I wanted to share it to my family so I could get feedback on what I could improve on next time.

Christmas Card:

R4 – School Life

How does school in Japan compare to Canada? Is there anything they do in Japan, that you wish we did at Centennial?

Japanese schools and Canadian schools, are really different when it comes to; education, routine, dress code, etc. School lunches might be good, but if they were to server western food, instead of Japanese food, then it probably wouldn’t be as good.

Do you think that students should have more responsibilities at school like cleaning duty? Why?

I think that many people here in Canada would dislike if our schools did this, but I wouldn’t mind cleaning my classroom with my peers and friends.

How lucky are you in じゃんけん?Would you be able to snag leftovers?

I am quite unlucky when it comes to じゃんけん, so I doubt I would be able to beat anyone in my class to get any leftovers.

R3 – Japanese Mascots

My Mascot: やえせのシーちゃん (yaese’s shi-chan)

Location: Okinawa

What makes Japanese mascots different from the ones we see in Canada?

I think they are different from mascots that we would see in Canada is because, we have ones that look a little funky unlike the ones in Japan’s mascots who’s are more cuter.

Why do you think mascots are so popular in Japan? Do you think Canada should have a similar take on mascots? Explain

I think mascots are popular in Japan because they are used to represent Japan and its prefectures, as well as businesses. In my opinion it would be weird for Canada to take on something similar to mascots like Japan because I don’t think it would suit Canadian culture as much as it suits the Japanese culture.

ADL – Finance Project (Edit)

Cameron Lau


Stocks Up: Calculation

YearSavingsGrand Total
180000 x 1.075 = 8600086000 + 10000 = 96000
296000 x 1.075 = 103200103220 + 10000 = 113200
3113200 x 1.075 = 121690121690 + 10000 = 131690

Stocks Down: Calculation

YearSavingsGrand Total
180000 x .931 = 7448084480
284480 x .931 = 78650.8888650.88
388650.88 x .931 = 82533.96928 82533.96928 + 10000 = 92533.96928

Stocks 2 Up 1 Down: Calculation

YearSavingsGrand Total
180000 x 1.075 = 86000876000 + 10000 = 96000
296000 x .931 = 8937689376 + 10000 = 99376
399376 x 1.075 = 106829.2106829.2 + 10000 =116829.2


I chose option 3 (Stocks) because its a high risk high reward strategy that involves a little bit of luck, but if you can pull it off it is great in the long run. I included three different calculations depending on the situation: Stocks Up, Stocks Down, and Stocks 2 Up 1 Down. If you’re lucky and all three years end up being up you gain a little bit more money than you originally needed, but if you were to lose all three years, you would have a harder time achieving the goal in the three year time frame. But if one year were to fail, you would be a pinch away from the goal. Although Stocks are much riskier than the other two choices, In real life I think I would also choose stocks.


My group was a bit awkward because it was like my group were two separate groups rather than one. We separated ourselves into boys and girls, but even so I think that we made it possible and were able to do our work efficiently rather than awkwardly talking to people that we aren’t comfortable talking to and wasting our time.

Core Competency Reflection:


  • I was able to understand my learning and be able to express it to my peers
  • I can work with others to think about a similar goal


  • I am able to advocate for myself whenever help is needed
  • I’m kind to others and attempt to help others when asked for it


  • I can analyze my findings and make use of them
  • I can consider more than one way for solve equations before I proceed to choose one