a. What aspect of your lifestyle do you think you excel at: I think that I excel at more or less staying committed to walking to school everyday instead of asking my parents to drive me. I get to take in fresh air, and also walking to school as some little bit of exercise
b. What aspect of your lifestyle do you think you could improve upon: I could definitely try to drink some more water because it will help cleanse my body, but I can also try to get more sleep so that I’m not as tired everyday.
c. Which core competency did you demonstrate strength in during this unit: Personal Social. I demonstrated Personal Social, because we did a couple of activities in groups by brainstorming together, researching together, and collaborating on projects together. I tried to always consider new opinions, and expressed my opinions and suggestions.

This picture is one of the activities we had in our booklet which taught us how to read nutrition labels. I was really surprised to see some of the ingredients in these foods. I knew pop tarts were pretty unhealthy, but looking at the nutrition label, it shows a lot of junk as well as seeming very processed and unhealthy.