R2 – Harajuku Fashion

What is your opinion on Harajuku fashion? Do you think these styles could be popular in Canada?

Harajuku Fashion is very weird but also very unique. Harajuku Fashion consists of a variety of different types of styles such as, Decora (Rainbow colours and excessive amount of accessories), Gyaru (Dyed hair, lots of makeup, and strange hairstyles), etc.

Due to Canada’s welcoming of these different things like LGBTQ, as they weren’t so welcoming of it before. I think that eventually if it becomes more popular and more popular within the western fashion sense then I’m sure that we could see this on the streets of downtown, or even in schools. Although even if people are welcoming this, there will be people who don’t welcome it and will probably be mean about it, Harajuku Fashion is all about expressing what you feel and what you want to dress as.

R1 – Sando

Why do you think Japan is so creative with its sandwiches? How do these compare to the sandwiches available in Canada?

Japan is so creative with their sandwiches because of the flavours that make them so unique from Canada. For example the Japanese sandwich ランチパック, they make some interesting flavours like sticking fruits into sandwiches which is something I’m not sure Canadians would eat. Another interesting flavour is a cafe all cream, which is to me really unique.

What is the most creative meal you have made or had? Would it taste good in sandwich form??

I haven’t really have had any creative meals but a Japanese meal that maybe some non-Japanese people haven’t had before might be Chirashizushi. To be honest I don’t really like it but Japanese people think it’s tasty. It might taste good in sandwich form but I doubt it.

What sandwich type are you most excited to try? (Upload a photo if you make one!)

I really want to try a Yakisoba-pan. I really like eating Yakisoba so I’m sure it would be so good if it were in between a koppe-pan.

If offered by him, would you eat a part of Anpanman’s head? Why??

I don’t really like Anpan, but I would do anything to eat カレーパンマン’s head because Curry Pan is my favorite Japanese bread. I really like Curry Pan because Japanese Curry itself is very delicious.

RSelf Study

What you did well and how you can improve your Japanese study habits?

In my opinion something I did well is, using my prior Japanese knowledge and using it to learn more in this class, as well as learning new things and more that I previously didn’t know. I can definitely improve by studying, and memorizing kanji / particles and how the work. I can do this by casually studying when I’m feeling bored and have nothing to do.

Answers to 3 of the following Core Competencies

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is kanji. I have spent a lot of my spare time studying kanji that at my level in Japanese, I should’ve previously known, so I’m using this class as an opportunity to learn what I need to know.

I appreciate feedback on my work, and what I need to improve on, and prefer it comes in the form of short, but informative on what I need to spend more time in.

To celebrate an accomplishment such as learning something new, or forming a difficult sentence,feel more encouraged to learn more, and try to make more sentences.

R4 – School Life

How does school in Japan compare to Canada? Is there anything they do in Japan, that you wish we did at Centennial?

Japanese schools and Canadian schools, are really different when it comes to; education, routine, dress code, etc. School lunches might be good, but if they were to server western food, instead of Japanese food, then it probably wouldn’t be as good.

Do you think that students should have more responsibilities at school like cleaning duty? Why?

I think that many people here in Canada would dislike if our schools did this, but I wouldn’t mind cleaning my classroom with my peers and friends.

How lucky are you in じゃんけん?Would you be able to snag leftovers?

I am quite unlucky when it comes to じゃんけん, so I doubt I would be able to beat anyone in my class to get any leftovers.

R3 – Japanese Mascots

My Mascot: やえせのシーちゃん (yaese’s shi-chan)

Location: Okinawa


What makes Japanese mascots different from the ones we see in Canada?

I think they are different from mascots that we would see in Canada is because, we have ones that look a little funky unlike the ones in Japan’s mascots who’s are more cuter.

Why do you think mascots are so popular in Japan? Do you think Canada should have a similar take on mascots? Explain

I think mascots are popular in Japan because they are used to represent Japan and its prefectures, as well as businesses. In my opinion it would be weird for Canada to take on something similar to mascots like Japan because I don’t think it would suit Canadian culture as much as it suits the Japanese culture.

R2 – ようかい


  1. Gashadokuro, because it is a skeleton yokai and Halloween is upcoming so I think its suits the Halloween theme.
  2. The yokai Gashadokuro’s background story states that during wars, dead bodies weren’t able to be given a proper funeral so the souls from the bodies were not able to pass on so they were stuck as souls. The souls that were full of hatred and anger, that energy stayed on the bones of their corpse. When the bones of 100 people gather into one area an Gashadokuro is born
  3. I think Japanese monsters are very different than normal monsters from the west because we over here have things like vampires and frankenstein while Japan has umbrellas with legs and ladies with long necks, and even gigantic skeletons.
  4. I do not believe in ghosts or yokai because it is not realistic to me.

Credit: Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gashadokuro

R1 – Independent Children

How I reflected on the video was, I was amazed how young children maybe only in grade 1-2 can do all of these things independently and by themselves. I wasn’t nearly their age when I myself started doing these kind of chores.

In my opinion it is good to have children learn to be independent at a young age, it is unfortunate that here in Canada, it is not as safe as it is in Japan.

I have not yet used public transit by myself, but I do walk to school myself.