My Grade 9 Year
My grade 9 experience was very fun and went by very fast. Some words that describe my grade 9 year are challenging, fun, memorable, and busy. Some things that I enjoyed this year were making more friends and lots of fun memories. This year I learned that high school is a big stretch from middle school.
My Favorite Website
This is my favourite website because it made siting things a lot easier. It was very helpful when I did projects and other assignments that needed siting. It made siting websites alot faster then doing it on my own which would take a long time.
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Favourite Video
I chose this for my favourite video because I watched it in my English class. We did an assignment on finding nemo explaining what the beginning is, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. We also learned about different types of irony and conflicts. Also different types of characters like static, dynamic, flat, and rounds characters.
My Favourite Image

This is my favourite image this school year because it reminded me of the memorable time I had in foods class. I enjoyed cooking different types of food with my friends and learning how to measure properly.
My Favourite Quote
Life is trying things to see if they work.
-Ray Bradbury
I chose this quote because you should never be nervous to try new things. You should always be open to trying or doing new things to discover if you will enjoy them or not.
Works Cited
Finding Nemo 3D Official Trailer #1 (2012) Pixar Movie HD., Accessed 30 May 2023.
The 100 Most Famous Quotes of All Time. 4 June 2023,
ZoteroBib: Fast, Free Bibliography Generator – MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard Citations. Accessed 30 May 2023.