When I find I disagree with someone In my group or discussion, I intend on using these positive Strategies. I Explain my side and let them explain there side, and avoid useless arguments that have no sense of direction.
I find it easy to be a part of a group . Because I’m good with talking and making new friends.
One of the way I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to, ask everyone and make it obvious what it is. And to ask if anyone has any conflicts with the common purpose
I believe our criminal justice system should focus more on punishment. Punishment helps stop people from committing crimes because they know there will be serious consequences. It also gives justice to victims and their families, showing that wrong actions are not okay.
While helping offenders can be good, it doesn’t always work for everyone. Punishment keeps people safe and makes sure that those who do wrong are held accountable. Overall, a focus on punishment is important for a fair and safe society.
I learned how to read a room as when we walked in you have too. It’s something I’ve always struggled with, now I can confidently say I can read a room. How ever I need to work on the court language/lingo as I struggled with keeping up with the words.
In this recipe we only had 3 group members so we had to adapt to it as we usually work with 2 each.
so we had to make changes to the recipe in order to make it work out. we found success in this lab because we were able to adapt to the changes.
Core Competency Reflection
My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include, working it out and asking my group members and my teachers questions. As an active listener, I notice that I pick up on more information than others, and I’m able to use that to my advantage. One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to talk with them and ask questions, make sure to be very clear as its better to be sure then sounds stupid for 10 seconds. If the group is not productive, we can “lock in” in order to get things moving in the right direction.
I am able to identify my stereths threw group work as I find what I’m good at and my team finds what they are good at. I found motivation to do this by looking at my future and looking around and not wanting to become a loser.
There is good and bad to everything, when it comes to Gic yes, it is guaranteed money, but it takes an extended amount of time. With stocks however you can get more money at a faster pase, but you can lose all of your money if the stock goes down. Now compare the 2 fast moneys but risky or slow money safe. in conclusion you can make more money with stocks but can lose all of it, and with gic you can make guaranteed money at a snail pase
Part 4- Collaboration and Contributions
I wasn’t not able to work with a group as I missed the week where we learnt how to do this stuff, but i was able to get the calculations done without a group. This project feels easier as I don’t have to worry about other people’s ideas and have to worry about their feeling, and other viewpoints. But this project isn’t nearly as fun without other people.
Part 5- Core Competency Reflection
(When I need to boost my mood or re-focus), I will drink some water or chew some gum, i find that the cold water helps me keep a fresh mind and remind me to relax and take it easy. Chewing gum help me stay focus as it gives me something easy which I can do while doing a bigger task. And it helps when you have a moment where you can’t think and instead of reaching for my phone, my brain is already chewing gum.
I can reflect on my thinking. I did this when I choose what I was going to do for this project, I was given 3 choses 1-year gic 3-year gic and stocks, I reflected on my thinking when I chose to do the 3-year gic. This could even effect choses in the future as might look into stocks and gic
The cafeteria offers a wide range of food at an ok price. Each day is a different section of items, they have salads drinks pop and other goods. unlike most school who sell low Quilty untaken un of food, you only have to worry about that half the time as there’s good cooks and new cooks. the drink options are diabetic friendly which goes to show that they really care about their students, as i have a diabetic friend who is coming here next year.
My Favorite Website
“Chess.com – Play Chess Online – Free Games.” Chess.Com, https://www.chess.com/. Accessed 11 May 2023. This is my favorite website beacuse i play it during class beacuse the teacher is really boring.
Favorite Video”
This video shows Centennial Secondary, which is the school I attend and where I did most of my learning this year.
My Favorite Image”
“History Honoured in New Centennial: Principal.” Tri-City News, 31 Aug. 2017, https://www.tricitynews.com/local-news/history-honoured-in-new-centennial-principal-3057833.
i like this pic bewacuse it shows the front of the school and thats where everyone is
my favorite quote
“Expect the worst and never be disappointed.” -Peter parker’s girlfriend MJ
I like this quote because I think its true. With low expectations, in means reality can surpass your expectations.
Works Cited”
“Chess.com – Play Chess Online – Free Games.” Chess.Com, https://www.chess.com/. Accessed 11 May 2023.
“History Honoured in New Centennial: Principal.” Tri-City News, 31 Aug. 2017, https://www.tricitynews.com/local-news/history-honoured-in-new-centennial-principal-3057833.
Sakib, Mustafa. “How to Have a Positive Digital Footprint.” SEO Expert in Bangladesh, 3 Mar. 2021, https://osdigitalworld.com/2021/03/03/how-to-have-a-positive-digital-footprint/.
Your Digital Footprint: What Is It and How Can You Manage It? | Rasmussen University. https://www.rasmussen.edu/student-experience/college-life/what-is-digital-footprint/. Accessed 5 Jan. 2023.
Personal/Social Competency Reflection
Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include. Not going on my devies before bed. Only spending 2 hours a day on my phone. I think my experiences as a digital citizen, such as…. influenced my choice of course/hobbies/ teams because… Watching someone who motovaites me and can change waht hobbies i do. By doing… online, I make a positive difference to my peers. when i post something funny online it can posatively make them more happy
Considering all of the examples of ads you saw and the one you created, what did you learn about who benefits from advertisement?
Mostly the person who made it dependig if they were bought out by some big coreprit company
· Why is the who important to remember when you view an advertisement?
To see if you fall under the trap of the ad, and to see if your the target for the ads
· Discuss the effectiveness (or not) of each form of persuasion: logical, ethical and emotional on an audience (and on you). logicl “ninja loves our controller” used celeberty endorcement and logical
· Choose 3 advertising techniques and explain why they are effective in advertisement.
logical people will think yeah that makes sense. emotional your dead mom would love this she should be barried with this new shoe. ninja loves our controller
· Add a conclusion sentence (Therefore or Overall, this is what I learned about advertisement)
over all i learnt to never trust an ad and to always think before i buy.
Core Competency Reflection
When there was disagreement within the group, I found it helpful to… talked with my self and make the executive decision, then would bring it up to see if the group agreed.
I showed others that I truly valued their contributions by… Talking about there work and effort they put in. Using there work
When my group was not productive, we did _i went on my phone _________ in order to get things moving in the right direction. i got off my phone and foused on my project insted