Where I’m From Essay

My Paper

The Writing Process

I feel like there are many stories of my family that I could tell but I think this one impacted me the most. Interviewing my mom it seemed like she was very emotional because she has some trauma from when is little and sometimes gets sad. I think she gave me a lot of information so it was very easy to write a lot. I spent a lot of time on the middle of the essay but I think I should have made the ending better and longer. At first I thought it would be hard to write this essay but it came to me and more ideas while I was writing it.

Core Competency Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include asking questions that would answer multiple of my questions so I do not have to ask a bunch of mini questions. I think it is important to ask questions that the person who is getting interviewed will go on to talk about your other questions and that is why I did not have to answer many.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by thanking my mom for helping me with this assignment. Because if she did not help then I dont think my information would be accurate.

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is my grandparents restaurant. That is where I focused my essay on so I think I spent a long time and a lot of effort into.

I appreciate feedback on my writing techniques and prefer it comes in the form of positive feedback. Because I like to write and I do not want to write a lot if all my work is bad because it goes to waste. Also if I get feed back that the person seems I cant do it I will get sad and I wont want to try harder next time because I feel like I cant do it. Usually that never happens.

One goal I have is that my writing gets better and that my assignments that are essays will get abbe 90% because I feel like I can improve a lot if I try.

Self Assessment Drafting

This assignment was a little challenging because the dimensions would not connect and I would have to re-do many lines because they were not connecting. Also what I think is challenging is adding the dimensions at the end because on projects before I did not get good marks because I add too many dimension lines. But if I practice more I will get better so it is better to stay positive and try my best.

I can make my ideas work or change what I am doing

I can recount simple experiences and activities and tell something I learned

I can experiment with different ways of doing things

Math Self Assessment

Core Competencies

What is your strength in group work? How do you use this to actively contribute during group work activities?

I am good at talking to people. I can get along with group mates so we can all understand each other. I ask questions and I try to understand more by asking questions. I should improve by asking more questions and the teacher if I do not understand because sometimes I am too shy.

How do you prepare for a test? Does this seem to work for you? Are there changes you need to make to ensure your are successful?

I usually watch videos on YouTube with a summary of the topic in case I forget to do a step and I do extra homework questions. I do not think it works because I still get bad marks on my tests. I think I might need to study more or practice more because I forget a lot easily.

French 10 skit

Chapter 5 skit

My partner and I had to create a skit where we were at the restaurant. I think our collaborating skills were very good. We worked well and created our skit on time and I think our skit was very well done. Since we could collaborate well and have a similar mindset it made our project go well. We also have good communication skills and we found time to do our skit, in class, after school and in flex. We made out skit a little humorous so that it wasn’t just us saying our parts back and fourth but we had some jokes in there. We had a good flow with our presentation with only a couple flaws.

Edu blog Self Assessment

Curricular response

I think my partner and I’s prediction is good was accurate. We guessed that because our teacher gave us some hints and we were thinking how the balloon affects it. I think the balloon filling up helped and the mass of the experiment.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements, my partner and I watched the experiment and thought about ideas before writing them down. We took a video so we could analyze further and researched a little.

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this by coming up with a prediction from the experiment and coming up with a guess of what would happen.

Core Competency Self Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking


2.What are some conflicts that you have seen happening in the classroom? How do you think kids could prevent them? Resolve them?

I often see people confused people that do not know what to do and I also see people that are being loud and disruptive to the classroom. People that are confused can help others around them for help or the teacher directly. It would be resolved when they ask the questions and will not be confused anymore. People that are being too disruptive could have other classmates ask them to be quiet or often the teacher will. The problem would be resolved when the people being disruptive stop being loud and letting others do their work.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. When I see others being confused and they do not ask questions they are very likely to not understand at all and do bad on tests. Sometimes I am guilty of that as well because I am too nervous or shy to ask the teacher. But lately I have been asking questions more to teachers and if I could not get a answer I will watch videos to help me. When I see other people being disruptive it annoys me when I am trying to focus and sometimes I cannot get my work done. But when it is quiet I am way more productive and I can get all my work done. I know when I am being loud with my friends I am disrupting others and I try not to be loud during work blocks.

Core Competency Goals

As an active listener, I notice that I … stay quiet as the speaker says what they need and do not interrupt the speaker so I know everything they say. When they are done if I have something to say I will raise my hand. I try not to call out so that the listener knows that I care to listen to what they have to say fully.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by… asking questions and trying to understand everybody’s views on topics. Sometimes when other students and I have different views on things I try to think of the same topic in their perspective and ask questions. If I don’t then we just agree to disagree.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I… take a ten or five minute break. I listen to calm music or go on my phone and it makes me calmer. Sometimes I need to have water because sometimes I have a headache from the work load.

Short Story Writing Progress

My Story

Core Competency Reflection

When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I take a break to help calm myself or create space in my mind to think of other things outside of the story. If I think of other things it will bring new ideas to my head.

An example of where I took a significant risk in the expected process was when I deleted my old story and create a new one. My old story was getting way too complicated so I had to make a new shorter one.

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I look at others stories to advance the development of my ideas. If I see others stories I get very inspired and I come up with many ideas.

I wish to keep on going with my long story to create a short story or book I think it had a good idea.

Ma Famille

Image preview

Creative Thinking Reflection

This was my last French project of the school year. We were supposed to write about our family with all of the things we learned this year in grade nine without using apps. It was fun to glue everything onto and decorate the paper. I included a photo of my cat and a photo with me as a baby. I enjoyed finding information about my family and it was fun to translate it because it shows how much I learned this year! I wish I made my sentences longer so on my next projects I will definitely do that. I also wish the glue wouldn’t show up on the brown because it makes the paper look weird. I liked designing the poster with two of my favourite colours.

Favourite Recipe

Parmesan Meatball Sliders with Garlic Bread


Making and Sharing Reflection

That was the first time I cooked a patty and it went very well in my opinion. It wasn’t undercooked and was not tough for me. The cheese made the meat patty feel very nice in my mouth and like a creamy soft texture. It was very mouthwatering. It was also the first time I had made homemade garlic bread. I think it went well but maybe I should have added more butter and less garlic but it was still very delicious and crispy. When me and my partner made these we weren’t that hungry so even though the recipe said two bread pieces we did one and ate one half each because if we did take two we would not be able to eat it all so we were minimizing our food waste. And if we are not hungry when we make other recipe we ask other table members if they want to have more before we pack it away. In the making of a lab we plan and talk about the things we are confused with so we can do the cooking part over with fast and not asking questions when other members are trying to focus.

Core Competency Reflection

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to ask questions before the lab. We talk about who is going to do which steps beforehand so we do not get confused in the middle of the lab and have to ask questions.

If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to try and solve a way where we can fix both sides of the argument. Or ask a teacher what to do but usually we never fight and so there is no need.

I know the group is working well together when I see we are finished before the time we are supposed to finish. When we do not have to rush to finish and go to our next class, and when we do not need to stop in the middle of a lab to figure something else we should have done a while ago.

I wish to get better at communicating and being louder. My voice is not that loud especially with the mask so sometimes it causes things to be misunderstood. I wish to start speaking louder so we do not have any misunderstandings.