Short Story Writing Progress

My Story

Core Competency Reflection

When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I take a break to help calm myself or create space in my mind to think of other things outside of the story. If I think of other things it will bring new ideas to my head.

An example of where I took a significant risk in the expected process was when I deleted my old story and create a new one. My old story was getting way too complicated so I had to make a new shorter one.

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I look at others stories to advance the development of my ideas. If I see others stories I get very inspired and I come up with many ideas.

I wish to keep on going with my long story to create a short story or book I think it had a good idea.

Ma Famille

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Creative Thinking Reflection

This was my last French project of the school year. We were supposed to write about our family with all of the things we learned this year in grade nine without using apps. It was fun to glue everything onto and decorate the paper. I included a photo of my cat and a photo with me as a baby. I enjoyed finding information about my family and it was fun to translate it because it shows how much I learned this year! I wish I made my sentences longer so on my next projects I will definitely do that. I also wish the glue wouldn’t show up on the brown because it makes the paper look weird. I liked designing the poster with two of my favourite colours.

Favourite Recipe

Parmesan Meatball Sliders with Garlic Bread


Making and Sharing Reflection

That was the first time I cooked a patty and it went very well in my opinion. It wasn’t undercooked and was not tough for me. The cheese made the meat patty feel very nice in my mouth and like a creamy soft texture. It was very mouthwatering. It was also the first time I had made homemade garlic bread. I think it went well but maybe I should have added more butter and less garlic but it was still very delicious and crispy. When me and my partner made these we weren’t that hungry so even though the recipe said two bread pieces we did one and ate one half each because if we did take two we would not be able to eat it all so we were minimizing our food waste. And if we are not hungry when we make other recipe we ask other table members if they want to have more before we pack it away. In the making of a lab we plan and talk about the things we are confused with so we can do the cooking part over with fast and not asking questions when other members are trying to focus.

Core Competency Reflection

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to ask questions before the lab. We talk about who is going to do which steps beforehand so we do not get confused in the middle of the lab and have to ask questions.

If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to try and solve a way where we can fix both sides of the argument. Or ask a teacher what to do but usually we never fight and so there is no need.

I know the group is working well together when I see we are finished before the time we are supposed to finish. When we do not have to rush to finish and go to our next class, and when we do not need to stop in the middle of a lab to figure something else we should have done a while ago.

I wish to get better at communicating and being louder. My voice is not that loud especially with the mask so sometimes it causes things to be misunderstood. I wish to start speaking louder so we do not have any misunderstandings.

I am from Poem


Curricular Competency & Content Reflection

I talked to my grandparents for the part about him escaping the war in Hong Kong and it was very sad because most of his family died. I feel bad and he gets sad at the topic and he never gets sad so that is how I know it means a lot to him and should be in my poem. When I went to my grandmothers house we went to Church and then we went to a mall which had won ton noodle soup and always got it after with rice noodles. It was tradition basically because before I was in school I was usually there and spent a lot of my time there. We always painted, baked or worked in the garden together after. Before my mom and dad had me they went travelling a lot and that is why we were born later than a lot of kids but there are many memories they share that makes great conversation.

Core Competency Reflection

I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. When my grandparents and parents told me their stories I listened well so I can make sure to put real information and not make it up. I made sure to ask questions so they know I am listening and being polite.

I can tell what is important to me and I can explain my values. I tried putting the most important things of what I learned from my familied history. I explained all of my best values in my poem so it gets our the best details.

I can ask open-ended questions to gather information. When I talked with my grandpa I first asked him what I was curious about and he explained what I needed to know and I asked more questions beyond that.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I was so stuck on the poem the first few days but I started to look at others poems and I started to get an idea without copying anything

Favourite Recipe



Making and Sharing Reflection

Our group worked well in sharing space and getting along well. We worked individually when we had to gather the ingredients and mix the dry ingredients. We worked collaboratively when we had to discuss how we would organize the cooking session. We shared responsibilities while cooking the food and cleaning up. We shared the food in a way where we all get a fair shared amount. If one of us did not want part of our share one of us would eat it so we are not wasting. We all had around the same amount of ability to cook in the kitchen so we worked very well together. Overall the group environment was very well.

Core Competency Reflection

While working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend understanding by asking questions to my piers. I ask questions to understand who’s role with who. If we need help and are confused, we always go to the teacher and ask. If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to agree to disagree and then ask a teacher. If you just agree to disagree then you can’t really argue anymore and get an older, more experienced person to help us. Most of the times our group did not get into disagreements while cooking, sometimes just in regular conversations though. If the group is not productive, we can try to forget about the other stuff we will be doing during the day in order to get moving in the right direction. Sometimes when we are finished cooking we strike a conversation instead of cleaning up. It is easy to get side tracked but easy to get in the right direction. When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t no well I try to talk a bit to make it less awkward. When we have similarities I love to talk about those because it makes us both involved in the conversation.

SS9 Industrial Revolution Reflection Post

Curricular Competency & Content Reflection

Our class were in groups and had to create a plan for a second Earth. There were five components, Capital, Labour force, Raw Materials, Transportation System and Market Economy. On our earth we had a trade system with other planets, jobs for a currency, domesticated animals, solar pannels, police and military system, government and materials to build. I would not change anything but I would add a schooling system for a better future, which will make people more inspired and make the new comings of our planet better.

Core Competency Reflection


The ways I communicate at school differ from how I communicate at home. At school when I am doing work I have my working mindset on, I am focusing and trying not to think of things I will do after school or other things either than the class I am in. I communicate with my peers to get what I need if I am confused or need help. It is important to create bonds so it is not awkward and easy to ask anybody.


If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to try and break it up or think of other ideas to use. Sometimes its better just to agree to disagree and ask a teacher. Usually I never get disagreements mostly I am easy going with my group unless we are not getting anything done, then it is a problem. It is easy to resolve problems if you do it without a fight.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility Prompts:

When I need to boost my mood or re focus, I take a break from work. You can not always be in a working mindset and everybody needs breaks. If I am working always I get headaches and I get scared about the work. When I am on a break I watch a show or do deep breathing or go for a walk.

Social Awareness and Responsibility Prompts:

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are hanging out once in a while, going on facetime calls, texting and buying stuff so they know I care. I have a lot of friends so sometimes we hangout as groups so we can all bond together. I meet most of my friends at school, work or social media and I like to make sure all my friends have a good influence on me.

Midsummer: The Movie

My Movie

Character, Setting and Mood

We thought that the story took place a really long time ago and tried to make our characters looks based on olden times queens and kings. We gave Theseus and Demetrius beards because we think that a lot of the time in the olden days royalty had big beards. We thought Hippolyta should wear white because it is like elegant and is what queens wear.

For where we thought the setting took place we looked throughout the story to find spots where they revealed where it is happening like May Day. The music is what I would have thought the soft background music would’ve sounded like if it was playing in the background really quietly.

Core Competency Reflection

I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. I am kind to others, and support others when they need it. I participate in classroom or group activities that improve the class, school, or community.

I take on roles and responsibilities in a group. I made sure to do my fair share in the group and do what I was supposed to do, we all took turns to record our lines so that we all almost had an equal part in recording. We all did a couple slides by ourselves and together.

I am kind to others, and support others when they need it. I tried to help my groupmates if they needed help and gave my opinion in things. And when I needed help I asked them nicely and spoke to them in a kind way.

About Me


I learn best in quiet or listening to music. I am average at school. I enjoy working in group projects. When I am having a difficulty or getting stressed, I take a break or else I get headaches and nothing gets done. My favourite course right now is Drafting, it is fun because it is like a break from the hard work and the teacher isn’t harsh and we don’t get homework. My least favourite right now is gym because I am not that good at running or pushups.


I chose this because I love this game it is so fun and it is my favourite game. I play it when I am taking a break from work or stressed. It is fun to battle the other cats and make them powerful.


This is my favourite song from one of my favourite animes. It is a very nice song and I listen to it usually when I am in the need for calming music.

I also enjoy listening to this song. It is an opening from season three of fruits basket.


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I like this photo because its of my cat and she has been with me since I was around 4 or 5. We got her as a rescue cat so we don’t know her real age.
