Unit Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication Core Competency

During this lab dissection, my partner and I had to figure out the most efficient way to work together and have an equal amount of work to do. We made decisions on where and how we would carefully take out the small parts of the earthworm like the aortic arches and made the decision that I would take out the seminal vesicles and then my partner would take out the hearts. We shared ideas while we did the partner test and agreed that we would help each other prepare for the assessment and we made sure that both of us knew where everything on the worm was and that one person was not carrying the weight of knowledge. We worked through issues like not being able to find more then four hears and agreed that we would show what we had rather then tear into the worm further and possibly destroying another internal structure. We made sure to have great communication and that none of us became confused, overall the only issues we faced were locating certain structures. In conclusion, my partner and I worked very well together and had an amazing sense of communication and I fell that I learned a lot from having to work together to achieve a goal.

English First Peoples 11 Identity Project: Self Reflection

Curricular Response

In this project, I displayed many strengths and weaknesses along the way. I thought that the way I was able to touch on important Indigenous issues and show how colonialism has effected the Metis people and the community as a whole. I displayed a great understanding of how we can move further along in the path of reconciliation and the pain that constant racism has caused. A weakness I displayed was in my explanation, in the future I would create a more in depth and detailed explanation of my poem and be sure to add more information on the points I made through the artistic style of poetry. I also touched on major issues regarding identity as many years of suppression of self and telling Indigenous peoples how to be and how to act have very serious and longlisting consequences.

Core Competency Reflection

Completing assignments in EFP11 is usually an enjoyable process as I prefer written based classes over arithmetic. I don’t find the assignments to be very challenging however they are stimulating and require much thought and I think that is important. I believe that the instructions that are given are clear and easy to follow and this makes doing assignments much less stressful. My favorite type of assignment to complete in EFP11 are creative based assignments where we have to learn about the subject then make a Canva poster talking about facts we have learned while also adding pictures that support what we are saying and making connection to Indigenous peoples and all the work they put in to their crafts and healing their community. Outside of EFP11, What helps me succeed in English is staying educated and informed on issues happening around Canada and in the world and making sure to always be sensitive and open to hearing things that Indigenous people and other minority groups have to say.

The Provincial Court

Reflect and share your personal experience of observing a provincial court case, highlighting what you learned and how it impacted your understanding of the judicial system.

How did the reality of the courtroom compare to your expectations?

The courtroom was similar to my expectations. My parents are lawyers so I grew up around the idea of what a courtroom actually looked like and I expected something similar to what I saw. I expected a room on the smaller side with the crown and defense on either side and the judge perched at the top and this is similar to what I ended up seeing. I expected the conversation in the court room to be professional and to the point and I found that this is what I mostly saw other then a few disagreements between the crown and defense. Overall I saw what I expected to see in the Surry Criminal Court and enjoyed my experience and learned valuable information.

What did you find most surprising or interesting?

I found the way lawyers conversed with one another to be a main point of interest. While conversing the Lawyers called one another “friend” as a way to keep things civil if disagreement came up and I enjoyed seeing how they question the person giving their testimony or each other. I also found it interesting when the judge came in and everyone bowed as a sign of respect showing the formality of court.

How did this experience change your understanding of the judicial process?

This experience changed the way I view the judicial process by showing in detail how cases are delt with in real time and how the timeline of events that are important to the case is so picked apart and questioned by the crown and the defense. My view on the way the judicial system treats those who testify was changed completely, the ones testifying are asked many questions and are pressed for answers with more force then I expected. Overall this experience helped me to better understand how the judicial system works and how the innerworkings function.

I can gather and combine new evidence with what I already know to develop reasoned conclusions, judgments, or plans. (based on your previous knowledge of the legal system and your newfound knowledge after attending multiple court cases)

I am able to discover new information as I actively learn more about the justice system and I have a great understanding of how the legal system works. I can combine the information that I already know with the things that I learn and form opinions about the things I am learning and create a judgement on the legal systems inner workings and how we view certain offences.

Core Competency Self Assesment

critical thinking and responsibility

This image shows the science lab that we completed involving acids and Bases

I demonstrated my critical thinking skills during this science lab. I used problem solving to help me get through the issues I encountered and I showed understanding of the material I was given. During the Lab I made sure to ask questions if I was confused and following along with that statement I also made a point to help others around me if they had questions that I was able to assist them with. Along with showing critical thinking skills I also demonstrated my ability to work with other to achieve a goal. I was able to work extremely well with my lab partner to use communication skills to complete the lab to the best of our abilities. Overall I showed both critical thinking and social responsibility during this science lab because of my ability to connect and ask questions as well as connect with others and work in a group.

 Frankenstein Films Power Point Assignment: Self- Assessment 

  Curricular Response

  I chose this image for the 1931 Henry Frankenstein that shows a person slowly moving to the edge of a cliff. I chose this image because I believe that it shows how throughout the movie, Henry got more psychotic and began to become more absorbed in his work. I believe that Henry had let go of everything he loved and only directed his attention to one thing and that was creating life. This image ties in with the slide because it gave a visual representation of Henrys mental state and it connected to points I had made about leaving everything behind to become a scientist and achieve his goal. The picture also correlates to the slide because it supported the point I had made about Henry slowly leving his happy life and abandoning his sanity in the prosses.

 Core Competency Self-Assessment

How did you select images and words to create meaning?  What this easy for you? Why or why not? I selected the media that was put in my presentation by finding connections between the characters and the dialog. I then picked phrases and key points by discovering a deeper meaning in the movies and putting those emotion on paper. I chose my images by picturing how the character felt on the inside and channeling that through a literal representation of the character in that moment or by picturing things that would represent the situation the character was in. I found that finding images and text to put in my presentation was not difficult. I think this because I am able to use my creative outlet and think of out of the box ideas to bring an emotion or character to life through text or pictures. I felt that I was bale to find many images that made sense and that would tie in with the slide.


Reflecting on My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

This year I enjoyed being apart of clubs and sports teams. I was a part of Track and VOX, I have made many friends and long lasting memories from joining these clubs. I feal that being involved in school activates has made me much more social and extraverted. I was able to join a community that valued trust and kindness and I felt very happy and proud to be able to contribute something into the school and its students. I believe that track has showed me what it means to be apart of something. As someone who has done an individual sport for my whole life it is a special experience to be apart of a team where everyone has one common goal. Overall I feal that my grade nine experience has been enhanced majorly by reaching out and being apart of new clubs and sports teams to build community’s and long lasting friendships as well as complete goals and reach new capabilities.

My Favorite Website

(583) Pinterest

I chose Pinterest as my favorite website because it helps me get ideas and inspires me for school presentations and projects. I feel that Pinterest elevates my online projects because of the creative pictures that I have access to and the amazing design ideas that I can take inspiration from. Pinterest is an amazing website for me because it helps me unlock creative ideas and gives me inspiration to create innovative projects. I feel that Pinterest also helped me with finding pictures that speak to me and that make sense with the assignment I am doing.

My Favorite Video

I chose to share my English movie because I worked very hard on it and I think it shows how far my learning has come because of the detailed slides. This movie had many ups and downs during the making of it and I had to preserver and be innovative with my ideas. I feel that my work on this movie was very well done and professional as well as interesting and creative. overall I chose this video because it shows my hard work.

My Favorite Picture

I chose this picture because it shows my love for track. Track is one of my favorite sports and I have made so many friends and memories from it. When I run track I feel like I have no burdens on me and that I can just focus on the tack and block everything else out. I believe that track has been a very important highlight of my school year and it is something that I look forward to participating in for the rest of my high school career.

My Favorite Quote

This quote speaks to me because It is very accurate to my life. Having a positive mindset is one of the main secrets to success because if you tell yourself that you are going to fail then you are going to fail. However if you tell yourself that you can do it and that you will succeed then you are going to be in a better mindframe to do so. I carry out this mindset in everything I do as it gives you the power you need to complete the task at hand and it gives me hope for an amazing future.

Works Cited

“Pin by Fitness-Lifestyle on Workout | Positive Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Empowering Quotes.” Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/80994493291167542/. Accessed 3 May 2023.

“Pin by Natalie Cook on R U N N I N G | Track Pictures, Track and Field, Cross Country Running.” Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2462974789573287/. Accessed 3 May 2023.

“Pinterest.” Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.ca/. Accessed 3 May 2023.

“Pin by Fitness-Lifestyle on Workout | Positive Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Empowering Quotes.” Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/80994493291167542/. Accessed 3 May 2023.

“Pin by Natalie Cook on R U N N I N G | Track Pictures, Track and Field, Cross Country Running.” Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2462974789573287/. Accessed 3 May 2023.

“Pinterest.” Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.ca/. Accessed 3 May 2023.

Touching Spirit Bear The Movie: Peter’s Story

Our Movie

“Plot, Character, Setting and Mood”

Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like. I knew that Peter was a red head and I simply imagined what the rest of him would look like based off of the way his personality was described in the book. They described Peter as quiet and shy so I tried to display that in the way he dressed and looked.

· How did you choose the plot points? I chose the plot points by looking at the quotes from others and deciding what was the most important. I wanted the plot points to show the real Peter and not just the boy who was Coles target. I wanted to find points that showed how Peter was feeling rather then what everyone else wanted him to feel. I picked moments where everyone was vulnerable and emotional.

· Explain how you figured out the setting in your story. Why is the setting significant to the story? I figured it out by simply looking at the context clues in the story. My group also took clues from how others described life in the area that the book takes place in. the setting is important because without it we would be lost with nowhere to go. the setting is a huge component of setting up a story and without it we would not get the same universe and experience wile reading the book.

· Explain what the word mood means and how/why you picked the song that you picked? I believe that the word “mood” means the overall vibe of the book. An example of mood is how the universe that the book is in is described. the mood is what evokes emotions and connects you to the book. My group and I picked an intense but meaningful song because that is how reading the book made us feel. We choose a song based off the books mood and feel and also based our choice on what we thought our character would have chosen.

“Core Competency Reflection”

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…take a break and stretch my legs. I will get a sip of water or a snack and refresh my body and mind so that I can be more successful. If I am feeling stressed out when doing the assignment I will take my dog for a walk or go to the gym to give myself a break so when I go back to the assignment I can put my full attention to the subject.

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is…when we choose the music for our movie. The original idea was to pick something that we felt the author would resonate with. I suggested that we also focus on what music our character would connect with so that we would have more to build off.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…engaging with what everyone is saying and pitching in ideas as we go so that all of us can have a part in building this presentation. I also show my understanding by being able to recall important information that was said in the book when we have discussions about it.

My Element PowerPoint

my PowerPoint: Radium

Curricular Competency Reflection

What questions did you need to research in order to create your sway? I had to research the process behind the discovery of Radium through many university sights. I also looked at the History of the Radium girls and the sadness behind it. another point of research for me was the melting point and the boiling point and how Radium was discovered.

What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project? I used PowerPoint to create my presentation as well as Pinterest for inspiration for pictures and design ideas. I used many familiar research sites to find my information and to learn new things.

What was the process you used to investigate the topic and how did you verify and cite the information you found? I followed the provided list given to find what I had to research. I used recognizable sources and cited all my work through Zetorobib and added that into my last PowerPoint slide. I went from top of the list to the bottom and was able to find lots of interesting information.

How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better? I believe that I did very well with this project and was able to have no challenges throughout the making of this presentation. I think that I could have done my research more efficiently and smoothly as I felt like I was having a hard time finding reliable information.

Core Competency Reflection

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…Take a water break and refresh myself so I can continue to work productively and efficiently. I often forget to take breaks when I am working and find it hard to stop something once I have started it. Overall I believe that breaks are important so you can keep your brain focused in the task you are doing.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for this lab/activity or project include…making sure that the sources I am using have the same information as the other reliable sights that I know I can rely on. I always check to make sure that the information I am using makes sense and is true. I also read the entire paragraph then pull out the important parts to make sure I don’t have unneeded information.

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is…the truth and legacy of the Radium Girls who worked in the factories all day painting watches and clocks with very dangerous and radioactive paint. I went deep into this topic so I was able to show how serious and terrible this was to the girls as many of them ended up dying from radioactive poisonings. I believe that this topic shows my understanding, learning and growth in this topic.