data and solutions
- year one: (80000 x 1.042)
- year two (83 360 x 1.042)
- year three (86 861.12 + 1.042)
- year-end = 90509.29
- (10000 + 10000 + 10000= 30 000) savings account for 3 years
- 90509.29 + 30000
- = 120509.29
- goal= Reached!!!
I chose a 3-year GIC because it’s a much safer option then stocks and if I picked a one-year GIC then I would not have reached my goal of 120 000. If I had picked stocks then it would have been a lot riskier to reach my goal because the stock market is not predictable and as I said, a one-year GIC would not get me where I needed to be considering my goal.
group work reflection
how we worked together…I found working with my group to be a good experience, we had thoughtful arguments about the answers, and we collaborated well. one thing I would say is that some people in the group may have gone too fast at times and it made it difficult to keep up for me personally. I feal that if everyone went a little slower and communicated more than the entire group would understand it much better and we all would have been better prepared for this project. I think overall this was a good group with lots of different ideas, but we could have collaborated more with each other. I believe our group was a 3 out of four because I thought we were a good group of people who worked hard we just needed to make sure everyone understood before we moved on so quickly.
Core Competency Reflection
I can work with others to achieve a goal. During the group work I helped my group get to the solutions. I also asked thoughtful and creative questions and I contribute to whatever we are doing even if I do not personally enjoy it. I make sure to share my ideas and I always help my group mates when needed.
I can recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully. I do not attack other people when they have different opinions and I keep any negative or hurtful comments to myself. I am a positive group mate, and I can accept that my statement is incorrect if it’s the truth.
I can tell the difference between facts and opinions. I can tell when the statement I am about to share is an opinion if it’s something that is more of a belief whereas a fact is something that is backed up by science or has been proven by something like nature. I am careful to not claim something is a fact when it is just my opinion.
I can identify my strengths and identify my potential. I recognize my talents and I build them with hard work. When I am good at something I know it because I feel a sense of understanding and accomplishment. I am good at knowing what I have to work on and what I excel at.