Frankenstein Films Power Point Assignment: Self- Assessment 

  Curricular Response

  I chose this image for the 1931 Henry Frankenstein that shows a person slowly moving to the edge of a cliff. I chose this image because I believe that it shows how throughout the movie, Henry got more psychotic and began to become more absorbed in his work. I believe that Henry had let go of everything he loved and only directed his attention to one thing and that was creating life. This image ties in with the slide because it gave a visual representation of Henrys mental state and it connected to points I had made about leaving everything behind to become a scientist and achieve his goal. The picture also correlates to the slide because it supported the point I had made about Henry slowly leving his happy life and abandoning his sanity in the prosses.

 Core Competency Self-Assessment

How did you select images and words to create meaning?  What this easy for you? Why or why not? I selected the media that was put in my presentation by finding connections between the characters and the dialog. I then picked phrases and key points by discovering a deeper meaning in the movies and putting those emotion on paper. I chose my images by picturing how the character felt on the inside and channeling that through a literal representation of the character in that moment or by picturing things that would represent the situation the character was in. I found that finding images and text to put in my presentation was not difficult. I think this because I am able to use my creative outlet and think of out of the box ideas to bring an emotion or character to life through text or pictures. I felt that I was bale to find many images that made sense and that would tie in with the slide.



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