Communication Core Competency
During this lab dissection, my partner and I had to figure out the most efficient way to work together and have an equal amount of work to do. We made decisions on where and how we would carefully take out the small parts of the earthworm like the aortic arches and made the decision that I would take out the seminal vesicles and then my partner would take out the hearts. We shared ideas while we did the partner test and agreed that we would help each other prepare for the assessment and we made sure that both of us knew where everything on the worm was and that one person was not carrying the weight of knowledge. We worked through issues like not being able to find more then four hears and agreed that we would show what we had rather then tear into the worm further and possibly destroying another internal structure. We made sure to have great communication and that none of us became confused, overall the only issues we faced were locating certain structures. In conclusion, my partner and I worked very well together and had an amazing sense of communication and I fell that I learned a lot from having to work together to achieve a goal.