Textiles- Core Competency Self-Assessment

sweatpants- communication

I demonstrated communication skills during this project by…asking for help when I needed it. A large part of sewing is problem solving however, sometimes you have tried to solve the problem and it is not working out for you, so you have to ask for help. some other ways I have shown communication skills is helping my peers with their projects and asking them for advice when making my projects. I make sure to answer everyone’s question if they need it. I also go out of my comfort zone and talk to people in this class I have not previously talked too, this not only allows me to meet more people, but it also makes it, so I have more people to ask for advice from and it’s nice to make new friends. Overall, I have shown good communication skills for the reasons I listed.

Keeping myself safe

Creating a positive and safe digital footprint

above this text, is a poster I created on the site canva. It explains how to be safe and secure online as well as many other things.

Works cited


Cohen, Jason. “How to Stay Safe and Secure on Instagram.” [SITE_NAME], 16 Oct. 2019, https://me.pcmag.com/en/instagram/11606/how-to-stay-safe-and-secure-on-instagram.

Hickey, Chelsea. “Teenagers: Why You Should Care About Your Digital Footprint.” Social Media Club, 22 May 2013, https://socialmediaclub.org/blog/from-the-clubhouse/teenagers-why-you-should-care-about-your-digital-footprint/.

How To Secure Instagram Account & Personal Datahttps://clario.co/blog/instagram-security-guide. Accessed 26 Sept. 2022.

Magid, Larry. “The Good and Bad of Location Sharing.” ConnectSafely, 22 June 2018, https://www.connectsafely.org/the-good-and-bad-of-location-sharing/.

NetReputationhttps://www.netreputation.com/free-consultation-bing/?utm_campaign=NR%20-%20%5BCanada%5D%20-%20SKAGs%20-%20%20Main%20Campaign&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Protect%20Your%20Reputation%20Online&utm_term=protect%20your%20reputation%20online&msclkid=58310acb2d6f1533eae769f90da75ba6. Accessed 26 Sept. 2022.

TikTok App Safety – What Parents Need to Know | Internet Matters – Searchhttps://www.bing.com/search?q=TikTok+app+safety+-+What+parents+need+to+know+%7C+Internet+Matters&cvid=04e08d1349d742d78288d469f11b0e94&aqs=edge..69i57j69i64.3205j0j9&FORM=ANAB01&DAF1=1&PC=EDGEDSE. Accessed 26 Sept. 2022.

“Top 10 Ways to Protect Your Online Identity.” Utica University, 25 Nov. 2019, https://programs.online.utica.edu/resources/article/ten-ways-to-protect-your-identity.

What Every Teen Needs to Know About Their Digital Footprint | Net Nannyhttps://www.netnanny.com/blog/what-every-teen-needs-to-know-about-their-digital-footprint/. Accessed 26 Sept. 2022.Edit BibliographyCopy to Clipboard


Personal/social competency reflection

I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, so I adjust my actions to…prioritizing my work before social media and having days where I do other things I enjoy such as sports, reading, working out and self-care. I find that when I do these things my head is in a much better place, and I am so much happier. Along with all those activities. I also make sure that when I post something, I do not post anything that could affect me in a negative way along the road. Another big thing I do to keep a clean digital footprint is never leaving negative or rude comments on others posts. This is something that can be resurfaces so easily and it could ruin so many of my future goals, not to mention it’s just a very unkind thing to do.

My values around being a high-performance gymnast inform my decisions about how much time I spend online because…It can interfere with lots of things even outside of gymnastics. Some things that too much social media can hurt is my sleep. If you do not get enough sleep, it is impossible to truly focus on anything. Sleep is one of the most needed things for kids my age and If I am not hitting the needed hours then I am not giving my body its needed energy. The other huge thing it can effect is my ability to be productive. I do not have a lot of time on gymnastics days to do my homework and sometimes I will end up with a ton of it on a gymnastics day and I end up having to stay up very late. If I am distracted by my phone 2 hours of homework can turn into 3 hours of homework very quicky.