Reflecting on My First Year

My Grade 9 Year:

My grade 9 year was better than most of my other school years. coming into a new school was very nerve racking. my strength from this year was paying more attention and not zoning out. last year i zoned out a lot but this year i tried harder and stayed focus. this year i enjoyed the freedom. i liked how we can go anywhere at lunch and i like how we have 4 classes each semester. i also felt that i had more support with my work. i could go to any teacher and they could help me with what im working on.

My Favourite Website:

Netflix is my favourite website because it helps me calm down my stress levels before tests. i watch all my favourite shows on Netflix. it helps me focus while i do my school work. i put on a show and do my work because i like to work in an environment that isnt quite.

My Favourite Video:

this is my favourite video because in spanish in the 1st semester, we watched this movie before christmas break. we watch it in spanish with english subtitles. i really enjoyed this christmas movie and learning the new language.

My Favourite Image:

i chose this as my favourite photo because this is where most of my memories are from this school year. i played on the school JR. soccer team and the schools girls lacrosse team. i also watched all football games here. this is where i met my close friends now.

My Favourite Quote:

my favourite quote is “you miss 100% of shots you don’t take” – Wayne Gretzky

this is my favourite quote because it relates to sports and i am a very athletic person, sports are what i love. it also is my favourite because without this quote i would not have been successful in my school work and my comfort level. it has brought me to look upon the standards and try new things.

Works Cited:

“Wayne Gretzky Quotes.” BrainyQuote, Accessed 10 May 2023.

ARTHUR CHRISTMAS – Official Trailer – In Theaters 11/23. Directed by sarah smith , sony pictures ., Accessed 10 May 2023.

“Coquitlam’s Newest High School Sports Field Is Missing Something — a $60K Scoreboard.” Tri-City News, 5 June 2022,

ZoteroBib: Fast, Free Bibliography Generator – MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard Citations. Accessed 10 May 2023.


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