Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Making and Sharing Reflection
this was the first lab we completed in this class. while making these cookies we had to watch a demo on how to make this lab the day before. The next day comes around and you have to reread your recipe and ask any questions, then you will discuss with your table group and your partner the duties you will be responsible for and the tasks you are being asked to complete. after each recipe you have to complete a slide in out food folio reflecting on the recipe and lab. this recipe made 12 cookies, i got to bring home 6 of them and my partner brought home 6. i ate one cookie and the rest was split between my friends and my family members. these cookies were made by me and my partner Avery. we worked really well together and became friends.
Core Competency Reflection
If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to agree with the majority because there wont be any arguments and then more people are happy. the food will still taste good and will still end up the same. another core competency i followed was I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see everyone getting along and when everyone is staying on task, gets everything done on time, and when people are doing their own jobs properly. when the unit is all clean and everything is put in the right spots you know that you have done all the clean up and jobs properly. One goal i have is to read over my recipe and ask any questions if i dont understand something. My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include i am working towards this promp because it ties into my goal and because i need to work on reading all the instructions and understanding all the steps and what it is asking me. i will complete this goal by re reading all my recipes before cooking or baking any products.