i chose communication because during my squid lab i had to communicate with my partner. I can ask and answer questions based on what i learned during my lessons in class. I can think critically when my teacher asked me to identify the parts of the squid. My partner and I can talk though this direction, we used our kind words and our brains to complete this dissection. I can show my thinking by showing my peers and teacher the different parts and tasks i completed within my journey with the squid dissection.
I can reflect on my thinking by showing how i can talk about my past year and pick out the most eventful parts. I can put My thinking into words and write above the minimum about my favourite year and the best events that happened during it. I can build off the other ideas i came up with by allowing myself think about the different activity’s i did and the events that happened during the trip. An example of something I spent a lot of time learning about was the difference between imperfect form and preterite form. We did multiple activities and tests about this topic. I spent a lot of time studying and learning to eventually fully learning the differences and the conjugations.
in this lab i demonstrated the skills to have if you wanted to be a chemist. we mixed together a bunch of different liquids. i showed communication skills as i worked with my partner to get the lab done. i also showed that i had the skill to complete the lab assignment sheet, i could write out where everything went and i could figure out what the lab was asking me to do. i could work on making sure that the pallet was clean because i didnt rince it fully causing the liquids to change colour very quickly or even without the 2 liquids that were meant to mix.
i learned that you need to check the surroundings and talk to the person before doing any type of compressions. we also learned how the heart works and different type of risks you take. smoking is the most common risk in all of Canada. the key take away from this unit was how to complete cpr. you have to go around 5 cm into the chest with one hand under the other with your fingers locked. this unit focused on the heart and real life situations. the previous unit focused on your diet and excersise. nutrition and excersise helps prevent heart attacks and or strokes. this helps with your health physically and mentally.
Core Competency Reflection
i can describe how learning about CPR relates to my life by making up senarios and looking at the health part. i compare it to how i live my life and if i need to make changes in my deit or excersise to my everyday life to prevent those heart problems.
in this unit i am most proud of my test. i got perfect on it. it is the first test i have done all semester and it turned out really well.
one of the ways i can see using this learning to help others is by teaching them how to save a life and if it happens in real life. if someone needed CPR i could give it to them becuase ” i am trained, i can do this”
How To Perform CPR: CPR for Beginners. 11 July 2022, https://firstaidcoursesdarwin.com.au/blog/cpr-for-beginners/.
this was the first lab we completed in this class. while making these cookies we had to watch a demo on how to make this lab the day before. The next day comes around and you have to reread your recipe and ask any questions, then you will discuss with your table group and your partner the duties you will be responsible for and the tasks you are being asked to complete. after each recipe you have to complete a slide in out food folio reflecting on the recipe and lab. this recipe made 12 cookies, i got to bring home 6 of them and my partner brought home 6. i ate one cookie and the rest was split between my friends and my family members. these cookies were made by me and my partner Avery. we worked really well together and became friends.
Core Competency Reflection
If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to agree with the majority because there wont be any arguments and then more people are happy. the food will still taste good and will still end up the same. another core competency i followed was I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see everyone getting along and when everyone is staying on task, gets everything done on time, and when people are doing their own jobs properly. when the unit is all clean and everything is put in the right spots you know that you have done all the clean up and jobs properly. One goal i have is to read over my recipe and ask any questions if i dont understand something. My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include i am working towards this promp because it ties into my goal and because i need to work on reading all the instructions and understanding all the steps and what it is asking me. i will complete this goal by re reading all my recipes before cooking or baking any products.
i can use my imagination to get new ideas because i could come up with ideas to make our animal more interesting. i can listen and respond with others withen my group. i can work with others to achieve a common goal. i can get ideas that are new to my peers. we came up with all the cures and animals all together.
Why is it important to remember who benefits from the advertisement when you view an advertisement?
it is important to remember who benefits from this ad because they will get the money and you dont know if its a real company or not.
· Choose one form of persuasion and explain why it is effective in persuading you/an audience: logical, ethical, emotional on an audience
ethical- ethical is helpful when persuading someone because the public will listen to someone with authority. they will also because they want to be like that famous person so they will buy more of you product
· Choose an advertising technique and explain why it is effective in selling a product.
eye appeal- this is effective because the colours and text are big, bright, and bold. it is very attractive and appealing to the human eye.
Core Competency Reflection
An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is when camryn and i were helping eachother chose our slogans. even though we were in different groups we still helped eachother complete this assignment.
One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was when i came up with my product. my product is supposed to help each tribute win the hunger games and stay alive.
I showed that I valued feedback from others in my class by putting it into my project. i used camryns advice and applied it to my project. she also helped me chose what my product was going to do.
what i learned, and whats different: in the Dominican republic baseball is their most popular sport and Canadas is ice hockey. i would like to visit this country and expoler it has to offer.
core competency:
i can work on the project and multi-task at the same time. i can anyalzie and make judgments to this project. i did the project and assembled it and made on where things go and what to say. i can research and make decisions on what i wanna include on the project.
One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is when i made up my story and what went on in my story. I showed that i understood the assignment and i showed my creative thinking
i focused on my work and handed it in with my best effort. i can make sure that my story made sense. next time i have to look it over before i had it in
3 things i learned in this unit is the difference between the buyers market and the sellers market. i also learned more about the history of the stalk market and how it became a thing. i also learned what caused the stock market to crash and i how it is effecting us today.
i worked on this project with Roya, Rhys, and Lucy. i could understand my role in the project and what to do. i can find new ideas and find photos to represent my learning and how i understand it. i can identify my strengths and my potential by showing it in projects.