Life Saving Measures

3 takeaways i have from these presentations is the good Samaritans act. This act apply to both CPR and drug overdoses. As long as you aren’t being negligent the Good Samaritan act falls into place and protects you. Another thing i learned was that you can administer naloxone more than once. If the person you gave it to doesn’t wake up then you should give another dose. Every dose of naloxone wears off about 20 mins after you have given it. The last thing i learned was when you are going to get naloxone from the pharmacy, they may ask you questions but it isn’t mandatory to respond to the questions. It is also harder to find the nasal spray of naloxone compared to the needle type. These presentations impact my life because when i am out and about i feel more comfortable helping someone on the street. This also has an impact on my life by giving me more knowledge on how to give out naloxone and more about the drug.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

i can analyze evidence to make judgements because i have learned more about saving someone I don’t know. I can assess the situation and do what makes me feel comfortable. As i asses i can also keep calm and do what is needed to help the person live.

goals for first semester:

my first goal

My first goal for this semester is improving my time management skills. Since grade 11 is a though year and you move really fast within each of my classes I will have to use the time that I have wisely. I will try to spend a least 30 minutes for each class everyday. This will help me get all my work. Done on time and help me understand what i am working on in each class. Sometimes i have a short attention span this will allow me to catch up with the class and allow me to get the help i need from each teacher.

my second goal:

the second goal i chose was trying to get out to get at least an hour of exercise everyday. Not only will this improve my physical health this will also help me reset my mind and allow me to focus more on my school work. Getting exercise will also relieve my stress and will also clear my mind from being overwhelmed. I will try to get a least 10,000 steps a day weather its from soccer going on a walk or going on a run. This will also help my performance in my sports and allow me to become better.

arts and crafts 9

i can communicate with peers during group work to share rolls and responsibilities

During the semseter kisha and I worked together to make soaps and bathbombs. We chose and decided on sents,colours, what to put in, and many different decisions together. We worked well together. We used blue food dye and a bunch of different seeds in our soap,along with orange sent. In our bathbomb we chose the colour blue and brown. We decided that we wouldn’t put a sent into it because we didn’t like any of the smells. I had a really fun time working with Kisha. I used my communication with kisha to make certain decisions. Making soaps was super fun.  

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Thinking CC

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is my element sway project. During the process of this project I used past knowledge from previous units to help support my learning. In order to succeed in this project I made sure to use information that can help the reader understand what my element is and its background. overall this project helped me have a better understanding of the elements on the periodic table.

A Spanish Speaking Country :

dominican republic

what i learned, and whats different: in the Dominican republic baseball is their most popular sport and Canadas is ice hockey. i would like to visit this country and expoler it has to offer.

core competency:

i can work on the project and multi-task at the same time. i can anyalzie and make judgments to this project. i did the project and assembled it and made on where things go and what to say. i can research and make decisions on what i wanna include on the project.

social studies: Core Competncy

Was the French Revolution Justifiable?

The french was bad because of all the killing and how the kings ran the county was very different and now a days that wouldnt be right. the amount of times that their king or ruler got killed because of breaking the law. also the way they killed people and the way people would cheer isnt ok. i dont think that people should be killed for some actions.

Core Competncy

i can analyze my own beliefs and represent them by writing paragraphs about each belief.

Boom or Bust Powerpoint and Oral Presentation

slide 1 overview

core competency

3 things i learned in this unit is the difference between the buyers market and the sellers market. i also learned more about the history of the stalk market and how it became a thing. i also learned what caused the stock market to crash and i how it is effecting us today.

i worked on this project with Roya, Rhys, and Lucy. i could understand my role in the project and what to do. i can find new ideas and find photos to represent my learning and how i understand it. i can identify my strengths and my potential by showing it in projects.

ADL- math assignment

calculations and solutions:

for my solution in am using a 3 year GIC and doing the savings on its own.

YEAR 1 GIC- 80000*1.042= 83,360 option A 1 year GIC 3.5%

YEAR 2 GIC- 83,360*1.042= 86,861.12 year1- 80,000*1.035= 82,80o

YEAR 3 GIC- 86,861.12*1.042= 90,509.287 year2- 82,800*1.035= 85698

year3- 85698*1.035= 88697.43

 years  3 Year GIC saving total total 
 Year 0 80,000 
 Year 1 83,360.00 10000 10,000 93,360 
 year 2  86,861.12 20000 20350 107,211 
 year 3  90,509.29 30000 31,062 121,572 


i didn’t chose option A because you would not have enough money to complete your goal of 120,000 dollars. you would be 10,241 dollars short. i also didn’t chose stalks because stocks could go up and down and you wouldn’t know if you could get to your target goal. i chose option B because, you would have enough to reach your goal of 120,000 yet still have money left over.


in the days that we worked in groups i worked with Brooke, Roya, and Teya. i liked working with these people because they are people that have the same interests as me and people that i can work well with. we can use all our strengths to complete all the questions. i contributed to the group by helping calculate the equations and helping find how to calculate each equations. my other group mates contributated by calculating the different equations and by thinking together to get all our work done and completed properly. we used some of my business notes to try and complete each question because i had numbers and how to find the products of each math sentance.

Core Competency:

  1. i represented my communication by sharing my ideas and thoughts with my group. we all worked together to try and complete each question. what i would work on next time is asking the teacher for help and paying attention more so i know how to complete everything.
  2. for next time i would try to understand it more, like how to calculate each GIC and stock. i also would spend more time in writing everything out. with my group we all found how to calculate interest rates together with each of our skills.
  3. i made decionions based on how i dont like risk and how i would like to be safe. i chose option B. i used my class time wisely and i got my math work done in class. i asked for help from my peers and my teachers, and got it.
  4. i understood how to complete this project once someone explained it more. i could use my background knowlage to complete this this project from business.