My Grade 9 Year
This year I enjoyed English because it’s a relatively easy class, and I had a good teacher.
I’m most proud of getting a ‘B’ in PE because it’s the highest mark I’ve ever gotten in any of my classes.
My Favorite Website
Favorite Video
I picked this video because I think it’s funny how the girl just shoves the boy like it’s nothing
Favorite Image

I chose this picture because it’s of my adorable dog Peanut, and I gave her a mini glow up
Favorite Quote
“You never fail until you stop trying” – Albert Einstein
I chose this quote because often when I’m doing a difficult assignment I’ll eventually stop trying or lose motivation
Works Cited
Checking Your Credentials… Accessed 9 May 2023.
The Friday That Everything Changed., Accessed 9 May 2023.
“Wonderfull Indonesia.” Indonesia Culture, 8 Feb. 2020,