Social Awareness and Responsibility- Musical Theatre
Which aspects of creating the show did you enjoy the most? Why?
The aspect that I enjoyed the most was surprisingly dancing. I’ve done a little bit of dancing in the past but had next to no experience, so being able to be around people of different skill levels in dancing really helped when I was feeling worried about my own dancing, as everyone was improving together. The satisfaction of finishing a number after days of practice was also a very gratifying feeling.
Which aspects of creating the show did you not enjoy? Why?
The aspect that I enjoyed the least was learning vocals, especially at the beginning of the school year, as I found it very difficult to follow along at times which caused a lot of frustration.
What new skills did you learn during the production?
The biggest skill that I learned during the production was how to act, as I had never done any type of serious acting before being in The Play. It was amazing seeing others transform into completely different people for the show and I learned a lot about how everybody on stage contributed to the scene, not just those at the forefront of the action.
If you had the chance to do it over again, is there anything you would do differently?
If I had the chance, I wouldn’t want to change anything. Despite all the stress that the show caused all of us, I gained many new skills and became friends with people who I probably wouldn’t have ever talked to if it weren’t for theatre. Things that could have gone better just became learning experiences for what to improve in the future and fun memories.