English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking

Creative Thinking

I demonstrated creative thinking through the poetry unit project we did in my English 10 Creative Writing class. When creating my artifact, I brainstormed the different ways that I or those around me have experienced love in different ways. I took different experiences I’ve had to generate the lines of the poems. I also took inspiration from different forms of media that I’ve consumed over the year that involved love and romance to paint a picture as to what love could be like from a variety of perspectives. A strategy I found when trying to write this poem was to just write “badly”. I would disregard any grammar rules and just let my mind run wild as I wrote down everything that would come to mind, no matter how bad it was. Once I decided that I had enough written down, I would go back and edit what I had written and try to fit it into lines of poetry that made sense and seemed cohesive. This poem was written in free verse, meaning it had no rhyme scheme or general pattern, so to improve for next time, I would like to branch out and try to write poems using more rhyme schemes or writing a wider variety of poems.


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