Musical Performance Reflection

Halloween Music Concert

I am very proud of the Vocal Jazz’s performance of Don’t Get Around Much Anymore by Duke Ellington. It’s a very pleasant song to listen to that we had to work on a lot to refine the harmonies. The song was also sung acapella, so we needed to rely on just our voices to fill up the song. I think that the song went well and the practice we put in could be seen.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Through this experience, I was able to show the ability to listen to the people I was singing with and blend with them. I would like to continue to improve on this ability as being able to blend with others is one of the most important parts of being in an ensemble and finding balance is important as it could throw off the entire song if there is a lack of it. In the future, I’d like to continue singing with other people as I find it very enjoyable and fulfilling.

Core Competencies Reflection

Through being in Concert Choir and Vocal Jazz, I’ve had many chances to collaborate with my peers for our performances. There were a few times when some of us would have to step up to lead a practice, so we’d all work with each other and take turns to lead so that we could ensure we got things done. We’d collaborate on things such as warm-ups and song choices, and were also able to be honest with each other so that everyone could improve. To improve for next time, I’d want to be more confident in the chance that I would need to lead again.


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