Core Competency Self Reflection (Self Regulation)

1. Do you tend to be interoceptive or exteroceptive?  Why do you think that?  

I tend to be interoceptive. Being interoceptive can be more forceful in what I am doing. It is hard for me to concentrate. I am easily affected by the sound or things happening around me. I want to challenge myself and make myself more focused on one area.

2. What type of meditation would be best for your personal growth?

I think interoceptive meditation would be best for my personal growth. As I can not concentrate on myself, my brain will naturally pull out on other things by noise. I am easily distracted. I need to go against what my brain would naturally do at the moment to challenge myself. At this time, the meditation practice can invoke more neuroplasticity and more shift in brain states. When we are doing challenging stuff, we will learn from it and improve ourselves.

3. What type of breathing would be best for you to do during your meditation? 

Slow cyclic breathing is the best type of breathing for me to do during my meditation. I can feel relaxed when I extend the time of inhaling and exhaling.

4.What type of breathing would be best for calming you down

As I do not do meditation and breathing often, the answer is not obvious as I think. I learned something during this podcast about the answer to this question. When we are feeling nervous, extending the exhale relatively to the inhale, or event that makes them active exhales is going to shift our nervous system in a direction of more calm.


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